Friday, March 30, 2012

Driving route suggestions

I%26#39;m driving from Florida to Warwick RI in early June and I%26#39;m looking for route suggestions.

I%26#39;ll start my trip on a Sat AM arriving in RI Sunday evening.

I was thinking of taking I-81 up western virginia to avoid I95 through washington etc.

Taking I78 through Penn and I 287 through NJ - then it all looks like a bowl of noodles to me. What is the best way to get to Warwick RI from there?

Any advice is appreciated!

Driving route suggestions

You need to be on Rt 95 as all the exits run from there. I don%26#39;t know about back routes but 95 will definately work and runs through RI into Massachusetts if the need be.

Driving route suggestions

A popular alternative around NYC is the Merrit Parkway, which you pick up after Tappan Zee bridge and take through CT.

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