Friday, March 30, 2012

Italian Boiled Pepper Biscuits

Does anyone know where I can buy some good old Boiled Pepper or Fennel Biscuits, anywhere in RI? The Old Italian Nornas in my neighborhood all used to make them, but now I can%26#39;t find any anywhere. Marias Bakery sells to a few local delis, but now I can%26#39;t find her boiled biscuits any more either.Please help. Anyone know her phone number?

Italian Boiled Pepper Biscuits

Belmont Market in Wakefield carries pepper biscuits. They%26#39;re made by Catanzaro%26#39;s in Pawtucket.

Italian Boiled Pepper Biscuits

Thanks Sheila for replying. Are these pepper biscuits Boiled? I know many stores and bakerys that I can purchase Pepper biscuits, but they are not Boiled first then baked. There is quite a big difference in the Boiled Vs. Baked. I appreciate your reply.

Sorry, I really don%26#39;t know.

I am in upstate ny and privately sell my boiled than baked pepper biscuits in my brother%26#39;s restaurant. I also add fennel and anise to the mix. but could just as easily leave it out. Let me know if you would like me to mail some to you. I offer them @ $5.00/1/2 lb.


Hi, I%26#39;m in Melbourne, Australia and just found your post after a world wide search for italian savouory fennel biscuits.....I would love to make them myself. Any suggesions? We love fennel, aniseed and pepper as well. Thanks in advance for any hints on how to make these delightful boiled and baked savoury beauties.

Here is the recipe if you would like to try it yourself -…00.html - this is the boiled variety. Hope you enjoy. Sounds interesting - I%26#39;ve never had them.

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