Friday, March 30, 2012

Exploration Center on Easton Beach

Has anyone been there with kids%26#39;- I sit worth a look?

Exploration Center on Easton Beach

If you have small children, age - it is ok. It is not something I would make a special trip to see but if you are in Newport it is a fun thing to do with the kids. They have a good staff and it is hands on learning about the marine life in the area. They also have crafts for the kids. Upstairs there is a carousel and a playground is there also.

Exploration Center on Easton Beach

I just chaperoned my daughter%26#39;s field trip (2nd graders) to the aquarium at Easton Beach in May. We really enjoyed it. It is small but fun and informative - lots of up close and personal interaction with the staff and small sea creatures. If you%26#39;re spending the day at the beach, it%26#39;s a nice break from the sunshine. Could take anywhere from 20 minutes to over an hour. I think it%26#39;s worth it.

Hi - I know this is a VERY OLD post.. LOL But we are heading to Newport RI this weekend, for a funeral. I thought once we were there.. we might take our 3 little kids to this place. I was wondering if it was worth it and was happy to find this post saying it is.

My question now is: it is open during the winter?? We will be in town there from Friday (jan 9th) until Monday (jan 12th) -- can anyone tell me if it open and when/times??

Thanks Alot!

No, the exploration center is only open in the summer. They are starting a new thing at the rotunda this year though called Beach Bounce:…bounce.pdf

Also there is Ryann Family Amusements (an arcade)and the outdoor skating rink downtown.

Awww darn it about the Exploration Center being closed!! I was thinking that would%26#39;ve been perfect to take the kids to on a cold winter%26#39;s day.

The bounce things look neat tho -- are they opened now? This weekend?

Thanks for the link to the ice skating too. That might be something to try... our daughter (8 yrs old) would love it, but not so sure about my boys (ages 2 and 5). But we%26#39;ll see.

Any other ideas you can give on places to go or things to do while there... I%26#39;d appreciate it. We won%26#39;t have much time.. will be there only for the weekend (Thursday to Sunday.. but with a Wake and Funeral thrown in there too)... but we would like something to keep the kids busy in our ';off time';.

Thanks again!

Along the lines of the exploration center, you can go on a Seal Watch....educational and informative, but bring warm clothes obviously.…

Also, just saw that the Exploration Center IS open on Saturdays in the winter, but not until January 17th....…

for other activities check out:

and look at the calendar to see if anything is going on.

Thanks again... and go figure we%26#39;ll miss the opened Exploration Center.. ugh (hee-hee) Oh well.

The seal thing looks neat.. kids would like that, but it might be a bit too cold out for a boat ride!!! I guess we%26#39;ll keep it in mind and see how the weather is while there.

I did check out the other link and there is nothing going on that I can find. Oh well..

You%26#39;re not expecting any snow over the weekend are ya?

Thanks again for the replies and ideas!!

Actually we are expecting snow this weekend...4 - 8 inches on Saturday into Sunday. But that%26#39;s still an early forecast.

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