Friday, March 30, 2012

NYE for couple - first trip to Providence

Husband and I are taking a short train trip to Providence to stay 2 nights including New Year%26#39;s Eve.

We%26#39;d like to have a nice meal and celebrate in a fun bar, but looking for something a little more low-key than typical club scene on New Year%26#39;s.

We%26#39;re looking at the Hilton, Westin, or Marriott Courtyard. Renaissance looks booked.

Suggestions of the best located hotel a few places within walking distance to eat/celebrate?

Love Italian %26amp; fish %26amp; it looks like Federal Hill is the right location.


NYE for couple - first trip to Providence

Have you considered staying at Hotel Dolce Villa on Federal Hill?

NYE for couple - first trip to Providence

the hotel dolce villa is your best choice,its centrally located.its within walking distance from great restaurants like mediterraneo,which has a latin club upstairs(maybe not your kind of thing) or SMOKE a new high energy smoking lounge/bar/club.they are all owned by the same person.

weather in newport?

Planning to visit in this weekend. Since

it is close to sea concerned it will be very windy

and might be tough to talk around.

The question is how chilly does it really get?

weather in newport?

It%26#39;s actually supposed to be mild this weekend with some rain showers.....around 50.

weather in newport?

I was in Newport today and although mild, the wind was howling! In general Newport is a windy city, especially if you are on the Cliff Walk or near the water. Even inland the wind can sweep between the buildings. Always expect some wind if you go to Newport, so it will feel chiller than the actual temp.

First Night

Can anyone tell me about First Night in Newport on Dec 31. How crazy and crowded does it get? Where%26#39;s a good place to park? Are there a lot of druken idiots, or is it safe for families. I rememeber being in Newport on New Year%26#39;s Eve many years ago and it was absolutely insane I know Newport has changed over the years, but after all it is New Year%26#39;s Eve.

First Night

The First Night events are family friendly and alcohol for the rest of the people in Newport, that%26#39;s a crap shoot, although most people go to a bar/restaurant that charge a substantial cover charge, so the ';bar hopping'; crowd isn%26#39;t as crazy as say during the summer, or the really crazy St. Patrick%26#39;s Day Parde.

You can park at the Visitor%26#39;s Center next to the Mariott. There are other parking lots throughout the city and will probably be charging. Meters and Resident only parking on the streets are not in effect this time of year, so if you find a place, take it.

  • lipstick color
  • Living on Block Island

    Rhode Island is my favorite state, and Block Island, in particular, seems to me like the ultimate paradise and I%26#39;ve basically made up my mind to one day move there. But the more research on the island that I do, the more I discover that it%26#39;s more of a summer destination, the rest of the year neglected and left to prepare once more for the tourists.

    I would like to know if the majority of the stores, restaurants and attractions on the island are year-round; if there is stuff to do (for example, is there a movie theatre? Or a movie rental store?); is everyting incredibly tourist-oriented; what%26#39;s there to look forward to? Are there jobs to be had on the island? And what is it like to live there?

    Any and all information would be gladly appreciated.


    Living on Block Island

    I spent summers there for 20 years and have just started returning.

    Block Island in the winter is a town of 850 people with, on many days, one boat a day. It%26#39;s VERY SMALL. A few things stay open in the winter, but not many. The BIG (the big grocery store) stays open all year. There is no cinema during the winter, but Netflix does deliver to the island! The library is a real community hub.

    There are very few jobs and housing is very expensive. That%26#39;s one of the reasons many of the long time Islanders are still descendants of the original families! It isn%26#39;t an easy place to live in the winter if your family hasn%26#39;t owned a house for hundreds of years.

    What there is to ';look forward to'; is peace. During the winter it%26#39;s VERY quiet. I remember my best friend as a teenager describing winters as ';when we write bad poetry, drink beers sitting on the edge of the bluffs, and sleep with the wrong people.'; A disproportionate number of people do some sort of art. It%26#39;s a very quiet but beautiful small town.

    Living on Block Island

    My wife and I just retired to Rhode Island and we absolutely love it. Unfortunately Block Island real estate is exremely high. Even with the market so low, you still have to pay steep prices for anything on the Block. This is true for most islands simply because there is just so much land. Plus Block is soooo isolated in the winter. I love visiting in the off season, but living there? I think it could be tough if you%26#39;re not prepared. As far as jobs I believe either fishing or tourism is pretty much it. Or if you have enough money some form of art.

    However there are many other towns right on the ocean or both sides of Narragansett Bay that have much to offer. At far more resonable costs, especially in this market. And remember it%26#39;s a relatively short trip to Block from much of the state so you can visit whenever you desire.

    New Year's Eve

    I am a very frequent visitor to Newport but this will be my first trip that will include New Year%26#39;s Eve. Would you please make some recommendations? Thanks!

    New Year's Eve

    What sort of things are you looking for: age group, couples, group, single, include dining, open bar etc....

    New Year's Eve

    Thanks, Milemarker. Middle aged couple, 2 young teens if it%26#39;s appropriate, great food (buffet?), a glass of wine maybe but a drink-%26#39;em-up definitely no, quiet. We considered Beechwood but chose against it. Tucker is serving a special 4-course dinner (it%26#39;s our favorite place as you can read on these pages) but it isn%26#39;t quite right for the kids.

    Hey Bins,

    Since you will have a couple of young teens with you, be sure to check out First Night Newport. There%26#39;s plenty of events for old and young alike to enjoy. They haven%26#39;t come out with this years schedule, but here%26#39;s a link to last years to give you an idea of what to expect.

    Thanks, Will. I was waiting for posts on that Page but judging from the info on the link that you sent we should certainly be able to keep them amused. Now for a dinner location...

    Try Brick Alley- great food, they take reservations and they serve regular menu, so you are not stuck paying for ';4 course'; dinner, their entrees include nice ';salad'; bar ( Cesar%26#39;s salad, greens, grape tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, etc+ coleslaw, potato%26#39;s salad, marinated mushrooms, beets, beans, hard boiled eggs, bacon bits, etc+ dressings), great drinks, they will make non-alcoholic mixed drinks for your kids, if you are interested

    On the 1st of January at noon, go to a First Beach, to watch ';polar bears'; and other amateur plunge into icy ocean, then go Atlantic Beach Club for lunch, right on the beach, they will have music there.

    Take comfortable shoes for a Cliff Walk, if it is a nice day or fly kites at Brenton Point Park (it is always breezy over there)

    Consider Marriott%26#39;s Fathoms restaurant- if seated by the window- great view of the Harbor, may even see fireworks from there... (somewhat) or go there for breakfast, food is OK, but view is pretty (if by the window). Castle Hill- gorgeous view, I like it during a day for lunch- Sunset, I think, room- beautiful, but can not see much at night- too dark!

    In case, the weather is rainy- can take a pretty ride along the Saconnet river shore to the vineyard in Little Compton (~ 45min one way), have the best RI ice-cream at so called Four Corners- Gray%26#39;s Ice cream. Some Antiques on the way. Visit Dave%26#39;s and Buster at Providence Place mall for a friendly competition - kids may like it! Mystic Aquarium and Seaport village is in opposite direction towards NYC

    Thank you Nik4me!

    If you decide to wander over to Dave %26amp; Buster%26#39;s in Providence, call ahead to be sure your kids will be allowed. It%26#39;s ALOT of fun, but their policy is geared towards adults. Most locations are 21+ after a certain time but I do recall seeing younger kids having a great time during the afternoon there. It has a bar, restaurant and TONS of games. Have a drink and watch your kids spend all your money!

    Where to eat with kids can be difficult. Newport is one of those places, since most of the dining scene is geared towards adults. I may get laughed at for suggesting this, but head over to the Newport Creamery for a burger and fries or a club sandwich. I wouldn%26#39;t recommend you order any of their dinners, but they do serve up good burgers and sandwiches for a reasonable price. Add an ';awful,awful'; which is awfully good and filling and your kids will be happy. This place is more for lunch than dinner.

    Another family friendly place to consider is the 99 Restaurant. They also serve up some great burgers and sandwiches as well as some yummy wings. The steaks are ok there, but I would skip any of the seafood offerings, except the seafood chowder. They have a full service bar. It%26#39;s a northeast chain, so you may have already tried it.

    My favorite family restaurant in the greater Newport area is Jack%26#39;s in Warren. I think it%26#39;s a bit out of the way to recommend, but it%26#39;s on route 103, about 20-25 minutes from Newport. Excellent pasta dishes and lobster dinners around $20. Somewhere to consider if you don%26#39;t mind the drive.

    The Rhode Island Quahog Company is right on Thames St. and a good choice for dinner. They have a little of everything on the menu with the most emphasis on seafood. Good food and pretty nice atmosphere. Certainly more upscale than the others I mentioned.

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  • 2 week summer rental

    we are looking for a house /cottage on or short walking distance to the ocean with an outdoor shower. 3-4 bedrooms for 2 weeks in july or august. thank you in advance.

    2 week summer rental

    If you%26#39;re looking to rent from a private owner, check out or

    They will have listings in Narragansett or Scarborough,Sand Hill cove or the pier sections etc.

    For listings from a realtor check Durkin Cottages or Lila Delman real estate or Ann O%26#39;brien realty.

    weather first night

    I heard the weather for New Year%26#39;s might be pretty nasty; snow and 40 knots winds. We had planned to go to First Night in Newport and the weather won%26#39;t trouble us, but wonder if all the activities, such as fireworks etc. will still be held. Does anyone know??

    weather first night

    In case anyone is curious and still watching this thread, the fireworks were canceled because of the weather.

    weather first night

    did you actually go? How did you like it? Was it realativly quiet because of the storm?

    Yes, I was there. I think the parade was canceled, as well.

    Exploration Center on Easton Beach

    Has anyone been there with kids%26#39;- I sit worth a look?

    Exploration Center on Easton Beach

    If you have small children, age - it is ok. It is not something I would make a special trip to see but if you are in Newport it is a fun thing to do with the kids. They have a good staff and it is hands on learning about the marine life in the area. They also have crafts for the kids. Upstairs there is a carousel and a playground is there also.

    Exploration Center on Easton Beach

    I just chaperoned my daughter%26#39;s field trip (2nd graders) to the aquarium at Easton Beach in May. We really enjoyed it. It is small but fun and informative - lots of up close and personal interaction with the staff and small sea creatures. If you%26#39;re spending the day at the beach, it%26#39;s a nice break from the sunshine. Could take anywhere from 20 minutes to over an hour. I think it%26#39;s worth it.

    Hi - I know this is a VERY OLD post.. LOL But we are heading to Newport RI this weekend, for a funeral. I thought once we were there.. we might take our 3 little kids to this place. I was wondering if it was worth it and was happy to find this post saying it is.

    My question now is: it is open during the winter?? We will be in town there from Friday (jan 9th) until Monday (jan 12th) -- can anyone tell me if it open and when/times??

    Thanks Alot!

    No, the exploration center is only open in the summer. They are starting a new thing at the rotunda this year though called Beach Bounce:…bounce.pdf

    Also there is Ryann Family Amusements (an arcade)and the outdoor skating rink downtown.

    Awww darn it about the Exploration Center being closed!! I was thinking that would%26#39;ve been perfect to take the kids to on a cold winter%26#39;s day.

    The bounce things look neat tho -- are they opened now? This weekend?

    Thanks for the link to the ice skating too. That might be something to try... our daughter (8 yrs old) would love it, but not so sure about my boys (ages 2 and 5). But we%26#39;ll see.

    Any other ideas you can give on places to go or things to do while there... I%26#39;d appreciate it. We won%26#39;t have much time.. will be there only for the weekend (Thursday to Sunday.. but with a Wake and Funeral thrown in there too)... but we would like something to keep the kids busy in our ';off time';.

    Thanks again!

    Along the lines of the exploration center, you can go on a Seal Watch....educational and informative, but bring warm clothes obviously.…

    Also, just saw that the Exploration Center IS open on Saturdays in the winter, but not until January 17th....…

    for other activities check out:

    and look at the calendar to see if anything is going on.

    Thanks again... and go figure we%26#39;ll miss the opened Exploration Center.. ugh (hee-hee) Oh well.

    The seal thing looks neat.. kids would like that, but it might be a bit too cold out for a boat ride!!! I guess we%26#39;ll keep it in mind and see how the weather is while there.

    I did check out the other link and there is nothing going on that I can find. Oh well..

    You%26#39;re not expecting any snow over the weekend are ya?

    Thanks again for the replies and ideas!!

    Actually we are expecting snow this weekend...4 - 8 inches on Saturday into Sunday. But that%26#39;s still an early forecast.

    January...Anything going on?


    Just wondering if there is anything going on in Jan? Are the mansions still decorated and opened? Are there many stores,restaurants, piano bars, etc...Thanks

    January...Anything going on?

    For a list of all events in January, go to and click on ';things to do';, and then click on ';events calendar';. Most restaurants and shops will be open. As far as the mansions are concerned, The Breakers, Elms, and Marble House are open year round. Not sure when they take down the Christmas decorations, but I suspect that they will be down soon if not already.

    January...Anything going on?

    Correction: The Elms and Marble House are open on weekends and holidays through the winter I believe.

    Oh, and The Breakers is open daily. Sheesh, I really need an edit button when I post this

    I believe the decorations come down the first weekend in January... the 4th?

    Check out the Newport website though, there is ALWAYS something going on in Newport... chili cookoff, or winter festival with ice sculpting... we come across something everytime we go there.

  • lipstick color
  • new shoreham house inn & island life for people in there 20s

    anyone ever been? i have made reservations there because nothing else is open for the weekend i want to go, any opinions? also we are a group in our young/mid 20s hows the atmosphere, nightlife on the island. not looking for anything crazy, just relaxing by the beach during the day and having fun at night. is there a crowd for this on block island or is it all families?

    new shoreham house inn %26amp; island life for people in there 20s

    New Shoreham House is in one of the best locations on the whole island. It faces Water St, the main street through BI%26#39;s version of downtown. You%26#39;re steps away from where your ferry will probably land (Old Harbor), most shopping, and the majority of the island%26#39;s eating and drinking spots. When your ferry is pulling up to the dock, look for a white building with blue window shutters. That%26#39;s it!

    BI definitely has its collegiate/20-something crowd, which hangs at Ballard%26#39;s for its private beach and live bands as well as Captain Nick%26#39;s and the Yellow Kittens for music. If your night life doesn%26#39;t have to be soaked in booze, there%26#39;s also Juice n%26#39; Java which stays open late (in island terms.)

    I%26#39;m not sure if you were posting about this weekend or sometime in the future, but if you%26#39;ve already been I hope you had a blast!

    new shoreham house inn %26amp; island life for people in there 20s

    New Shoreham House was amazing, great location to everything! Great rooftop deck to drink wine and watch the sunset. We loved this place and would go back.

  • fish
  • Hair Salons

    My sister in law is getting married in Newport in May I didn%26#39;t know if anyone had any recommendations on places to get our hair done. Thanks!

    Hair Salons

    Kira Salon


    Newport Art Museum Wet Paint Festival

    Good morning -

    My son will be placing his photos in the Wet Paint Festival again this August. His Dad is moving from Newport so my son and I will need to travel from NJ. Does anyone have any tips on less expensive places to stay near the Newport Art Museum? I%26#39;ve been looking on TA for B%26amp;B%26#39;s, hotel/motels and I wasn%26#39;t prepared for the expense. I%26#39;m wondering if I should try Priceline? The beauty is that we have PLENTY of time to ponder our plans.

    Thanks for any help/opinions.


    Newport Art Museum Wet Paint Festival

    First of all, don%26#39;t go by TA%26#39;s posted average rate for these establishments since I%26#39;ve been hearing that they are not all that accurate. Better to check out the hotel or inns%26#39;s actual website for rates and specials.

    And I would definitely consider Priceline, since I%26#39;ve read of people booking places such as the Marriott for somewhere around $100.00 a night. With the economy in the shape that it%26#39;s in, I would think that there may be a greater chance of having more unbooked rooms than usual this year, and therefore a better chance that you may get a great deal. Good Luck!!

    Newport Art Museum Wet Paint Festival

    August is the high season, so anything that you look for now will be hoping to catch top price.

    That being said, I have had people come to visit that have gotten really good rates on Priceline and Hotwire, even in the summer. And with the economy the way it is, wh knows if this summer will be as busy too.

    You could also look at some of the chain hotels/motels in Middletown. They offer more economic alternatives. As for a place right near the Art Museum, the Viking Hotel and the Atwater Villa B%26amp;B are very close by.

    Thanks for the help!!

    Guess I%26#39;ll wait a few more months and give it a go on Priceline.

    Wineries in Rhode Island

    Are the wineries in Rhode Island open in January during the week for tastings?

    Wineries in Rhode Island

    According to their web site Sakonnet Vineyards in Little Compton is open Thurs to Sun. 11 to 5pm. Tours at 12 and 2pm.

    Wineries in Rhode Island

    Check this handy link on the wineries in Rhode Island and Southern Mass:

    Nice beach, cosy village

    Last year we shad a great vacation in Onset, MA. A not too touritsty village by the sea. This year we want to visit Providence and Newport, and will like to rent a vaction home in a RI village by the sea, any suggestions where we should go?

    Nice beach, cosy village

    I think Jamestown is your best choice. It is the village on an island across from Newport. You can%26#39;t go wrong, unless you are looking for more of a big beach, party time atmosphere.

    Nice beach, cosy village

    I%26#39;ll elaborate that Jamestown is not touristy, for that you could take the ferry or drive to Newport. Providence is a half hour away. Jamestown is not cheap but for Europeans, maybe. THere is a little nightlife in the summer, boating, two or three cafe%26#39;s - a very nice ccommunity with some of RI most spectacular State Parks. There is one main beach ';Mackeral Cove'; on the island, however there are many other small beaches and coves on the island to explore. Only Mackeral Cove would be in walking distance of town.

    You don%26#39;t mention the time of year you%26#39;ll visit but there are many towns along the RI coast from Newport, Jamestown, Narragansett, Charlestown and Westerly, where you can find vacation rental homes.

    Web sites I suggest to find one are: or VRBO

    With Rhode Island being so small, it%26#39;s easy to visit Providence and Newport from any of the above mentioned towns.

    Thanks for your advice. We%26#39;re planning to go late june/early july. Jamestown sounds perfect. But vacation rentals are expensive - also for europeans :-) Still I understand why - it%26#39;s mostly big luxury houses, not that we mind of course, but wish we could find just tiny humble place that would suit the budget. Will check out the other recommended places to see if I%26#39;m more lucky there. Thanks.

    You can find some smaller cottages (some one or two bedrooms) in Narragansett, Charlestown, Matunuck areas. You%26#39;d be close to the water and still only about 20 to 30 mins to Newport.

    The proximity to Newport makes Jamestown a bit more expensive, so if you%26#39;re willing to drive a little further to get to Newport the other towns might be a bit less expensive.

    Late June weeks might also be a little less expensive than July weeks, as the beach season starts to peak as schools let out and families take their summer vacations.

    You might want to rent a house in Narragansett which is about a 20 minute drive to Newport and a 1/2 drive (depending on beach traffic) to Providence. I go to college in Southern Rhode Island and I%26#39;m currently renting a beach house for the school season that they rent out in the summer weekly.

    I go through Durkin Cottage Realty and they have a website- and their rentals are pretty straight forward. There are a lot of local beaches down there and restaurants also. Some of the houses located near the main offices of Durkin also have access to their in ground pool, a basketball court, tennis courts, and are a short walk to the general store and pizza/deli/ice cream shops. I wouldn%26#39;t call it too touristy in the summer, more like people moving into their beach houses for the summer.

    Restaurant for Rehearsal Dinner

    October wedding at RW Park Casino, staying in Providence and need recommendations for great restaurant for rehearsal dinner for 25-30 people.

    Restaurant for Rehearsal Dinner

    I would definitely recommend Gracie%26#39;s. They are in downtown Providence on Washington Street. The food is fantastic, they have an amazing wine list, and the ambiance is very romantic. I%26#39;ve been there several times myself and I%26#39;ve never been disappointed. Also, their servers are all fantastic, you will get top notch service.

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  • Anyone ever stay at the Burak House??

    Wondering if anyone ever stayed at the Burak house- we have stayed at Szabo and loved it - the Burak is so much cheaper though- but wondering if it%26#39;d not worth the savings??? Thanks!!

    Anyone ever stay at the Burak House??

    Hi sarahe38,

    Welcome to the forums! I noticed that you have not yet received a response to your question. Unfortunately, I do not have an answer myself, but I am bumping up your post in hope that one of our members who has stayed at the Burak House will see your post this time around.

    Good luck!


    Anyone ever stay at the Burak House??

    Thank you!!!

    Hello, my family and I actually stayed at the Burak House last summer. It is a clean house, however there are a few things you should know.

    1. The staircase is a spiral staircase. Not sure if you have little ones going with you, we did not have trouble with a 6, 4, 4, %26amp; 3 year old, but it was always something that we were watching.

    2. There are no views, other then the fields in the back of the house.

    3. Steep hill behind the house as well. Nice walking trails from the house down to a ';recreation'; area, where there is a badminton net set up, also some horseshoe pits. Not well maintained but certainly serviceable.

    4. There is a nice stone hearth in the back for evening fires, and the house has plenty of firewood. A nice touch on a summer evening.

    5. Bedroom layout is a bit funky. A large ';living area'; upstairs with pull out bed. Center floor has one bedroom with double bed. Downstairs has 2 bedrooms; 1 with 2 twin beds and the other with built in bunk beds that can sleep at least 4 people. (More if they a small) The matresses for the bunk beds are foam.

    6. Last year when we were there, a large tree hangs over the deck. The tree is beautiful, however, there were a lot of ';honey'; bees. No one got stung because I don%26#39;t think the bees even noticed us, but it is just something I thought I would mention.

    It really depends on what you want in a house. It has all of the amenities. If you are just looking for a place to sleep and eat and hang out, then it is not bad. If you want a bit more luxuries, then it may not be what you want.

    I am going to assume you are renting through Phillips Real Estate? If so, ask them to send pictures of the house. We did and actually received several pictures.

    Oh, one more thing came to mind if you have little ones. Last year the house did not have a DVD player, only a VCR. We brought DVD movies for the kids and were out of luck.

    Hope this helps. Let me know if you have anything specific about the house you wanted to know. I probably left some things out.

    Traffic Advice


    We%26#39;re coming to Newport on Mother%26#39;s Day weekend for a wedding (yay!), flying Los Angeles - Boston. We have an 8:30 pm return flight from Boston on Sunday night - what%26#39;s the latest time we should leave Newport to drive back to Boston, return the rental car %26amp; not miss our flight?!

    Thanks very much!

    Traffic Advice

    I would leave around 5:00pm....5:30 at the latest. It should take about 1 1/2 hours to get to Boston, and then your car rental drop off and shuttle ride to terminal.

    Traffic Advice

    Thank you!

    Trust MM, Ellen. He knows Newport like no other!

    free parking

    Hi! We%26#39;re spending a weekend at the Renaissance MArriott near the capital. You have no choice but to use valet parking for $25. We %26#39;re wondering if it is feasible to park in the lot at the state capitol friday night %26gt; sunday when we leave. anyone know if it%26#39;s allowed/safe, etc.? Thanks.

    free parking

    Don;t know of any lots at the Capitol that are open 24 hours, you definitely wouldn%26#39;t have many other cars around you either if there is one.

    Perhaps you can park at the Mariott around the corner on Orms St. They offer free parking, maybe you can talk your way into parking there because you%26#39;re staying at another Mariott...???

    Gloucester to Bristol

    How long would it take to make this journey and what is the best time to do it given Boston traffic?

    Gloucester to Bristol

    It is approximately a little over a 2 hour drive from Gloucester, MA to Bristol, RI without traffic but plan on an extra hour since the area around Boston especially the Southeast Expressway tends to have a lot of traffic. The worse time to drive would be 0630-0900 or 1600-1830 on weekdays. Friday evenings will be the worst and Sunday mornings would be the best.

    Gloucester to Bristol

    That%26#39;s good news. If we do make the trip it would be on a Sunday morning.

    Anything to do at this time of year?


    Thinking of getting away for the weekend. I know the shopping is good at anytime along with Federal Hill. Any advice on any entertainment? Piano bar, theater,comedy etc....

    Anything to do at this time of year?

    Well, you could always do a play at Trinity Rep or a bigger production at Providence Performing Arts Center. Rhode Island School of Design鈥檚 museum is very nice and they have a new wing added to it. You could also go skating downtown at the Bank of America Center.

    Anything to do at this time of year?

    There%26#39;s also a comedy club in nearby East Providence:

    The Botanical Center at Roger Williams Park is a great visit.

    I just booked a weekend at the Blueberry Cove Inn in Narragansett for their Chocolate Weekend- (Feb. 13-15). We went a few years ago and it was spectacular! All homemade chocolate dessert buffets. Would win some Valentine%26#39;s Day points, too!

  • african american hair
  • Rhode Island, Boston, Lake Placid. New York


    We are flying into New York for ten days and was hoping to go on to Rhode Island for a few days. We were wondering where the best place to stay would be so we could take some day trips to see different places. Also what you can recommend that we must not miss. Our itinery is flying into New York then driving to Rhode Island for a few days, then we were hpong to go on to Boston and then to Lake Placid before returning to New York for our flight home. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

    Rhode Island, Boston, Lake Placid. New York

    Hi, check out the latest posts. They%26#39;ll give you a start.

    Rhode Island, Boston, Lake Placid. New York

    I would go to Newport in RI. The best places to stay are the following: Lake Placid Lodge in Lake Placid, Castle Hill Inn in Newport. There are many places to stay both in Boston and New York City. Boston Harbor hotel is very nice. In New York it really depends which part of the city you would like to stay in. There are many 5 star hotels. If you are looking for a down town vibe, the Ritz Carlton near Battery Park is very nice. (Not sure this is what you have in mind) I love that part of the city but I%26#39;m sure you will catch a show, etc. If you want to stay near the theatre district (although since you are from England, nothing surpasses the London theatre experience - IMHO) the Michelangelo Hotel is very nice. Again, I can go on and on about hotels in NYC. Any idea which part of the city you would like to stay in?

    Thanks for your reply it is very helpful. As we have been to New York a couple of time before we have an idea what hotels we like. It was really places to stay outside New York that we wanted help with. We were looking for a place to stay in Rhode Island where we could stay for a few days and take some day trips to other areas of Rhode Island. I will certainly look up the hotels you suggested. Cheers

    I%26#39;ve stayed at the Marriot in Newport, RI acouple of times and always enjoyed it. it%26#39;s alittle pricey, but its the nicest Marriot ive ever seen. Check out the mansion tours. the staff there can hook you up with anything you need to know. if you want northern RI than there is a Marriot Courtyard in Woonsocket, RI. not nearly as senic though. the Museum of Work and Culture is located in Historic downtown Woonsocket area where you can learn about the original french-canadian settlers. Enjoy!

    While I love Newport, it can be a bit on the expensive side. I have stayed just across the bridge in Narragansett - check out the Blueberry Cove Inn. It is open all year and it was the perfect location for daytripping for us. Comfortable, very clean, laid back.

    Hope that helps!

    Thanks, I will certainly look into that. As we do not know the area it%26#39;s very helpful.

  • black heads
  • Looking for a restaurant to have a nice Valentine's Day meal

    I%26#39;m from out of town and will be staying in Newport over Valetine%26#39;s weekend. I probably need to reserve now...anyone have any suggestions? We don%26#39;t particularly like Indian or French, but we are flexible to other cuisines. Like steakhouses, Italian, Eclectic, American, Seafood, etc. Looking for reasonable priced...would say moderately priced.

    Looking for a restaurant to have a nice Valentine's Day meal

    Reasonable to moderate:

    Clarke Cooke House

    The Mooring

    22 Bowens


    Higher End:

    Inn at Castle Hill


    White Horse Tavern

    Spiced Pear

    For an idea of their menues, go to and find the links to most of these under ';things to do/dining';

    Looking for a restaurant to have a nice Valentine's Day meal

    Another place you might like to consider would be Tucker%26#39;s Bistro. While I%26#39;ve never been there personally, it is rated #1 on this site. In Bins2%26#39;s review of this establishment, he mentions something in Tucker%26#39;s called ';the closet';, which is described as an actual closet that has been renovated into a very cozy, and romantic dining area. Might be worth checking out.

    Nightclub/Music for Young 50's Crowd

    We are 3 couples (late 40%26#39;s early 50%26#39;s -- musicians) looking for Providence nightclub with great atmosphere and good rock %26#39;n roll (preferably live music). I%26#39;ve heard about the Century Lounge, but don%26#39;t know much else about it. Can you advise or perhaps give us a better suggestion? We will be in Providence Valentine%26#39;s weekend.

    Thanks !

    Nightclub/Music for Young 50's Crowd

    Absolutely, try the TopHat, which is in Davis Square, quite close to the downtown area near the Eddy Street intersection. Mostly babyboomers on both ends of the boom scale and the live music is great. They serve meals and you should plan on being a little bit dressed up, its not a grubby jeans place. Its set back in a brick rehabbed industrial complex and has on-site parking.

    Newport, RI or Cape May, NJ??

    I need an east coast beach destination not too far from home (central PA). I was thinking Newport, RI or possibly Cape May, NJ. My wife and I like to relax, eat and shop. Someplace calm for a family vacation. Anyone have a preference on either location or new idea? Thanks

    Newport, RI or Cape May, NJ??

    Haven%26#39;t really been to Cape May, so I can;t comment on that asspect, but Newport, RI certainly has what you are looking for. One of the big differences though I think, is that Newport, RI doesn%26#39;t allow weekly or short term rentals of properties (although some people still do, just not legally)

    Newport could get expensive if you%26#39;re staying at the height of the summer and have to eat out most meals. If Cape May is anything like Cape Cod, most people will rent a house or cottage for the week and eat in or cook out many times to save money and/or just enjoy lounging by the house. There are a few timeshare places that rent by the week and include kitchens and grill areas though.

    Most summer days in newport are spent hanging out at the beach, cruising out on the bay, strolling the wharfes, eating out, and enjoying the nightlife after dark. The crowds range from 20 somethings at some places to 30, 40, 50+ somethings at other places.

    Check out for more links and info.

    Newport, RI or Cape May, NJ??

    If you decide on Newport as your destination, there are nearby towns that offer vacation rental homes close to the beach. Look for rentals in Narragansett ( Scarborough Beach) or Charlestown and you%26#39;ll be about 20 to 30 mins to Newport. Both towns are close to nice beaches and you can easily travel into Newport.

    I%26#39;ve been to both and the main difference is the shoreline around Neport...spectacular.

    Also it is home to the famous Newport mansions, which are something fabulous to see.

    Other than the lighthouse and surrounding park at Cape May, I found it to be mostly clam shacks, candy stores and souveneir shops....none of which you will find in Newport.

    Driving route suggestions

    I%26#39;m driving from Florida to Warwick RI in early June and I%26#39;m looking for route suggestions.

    I%26#39;ll start my trip on a Sat AM arriving in RI Sunday evening.

    I was thinking of taking I-81 up western virginia to avoid I95 through washington etc.

    Taking I78 through Penn and I 287 through NJ - then it all looks like a bowl of noodles to me. What is the best way to get to Warwick RI from there?

    Any advice is appreciated!

    Driving route suggestions

    You need to be on Rt 95 as all the exits run from there. I don%26#39;t know about back routes but 95 will definately work and runs through RI into Massachusetts if the need be.

    Driving route suggestions

    A popular alternative around NYC is the Merrit Parkway, which you pick up after Tappan Zee bridge and take through CT.

  • mixing acne treatment
  • Anything going on this weekend?

    Hi all !

    Coming up to Providence on Saturday for the weekend. Are there any events going on that would be worth checking out?


    Wedding Brunch near Charlestown

    Hi All,

    I have a rather unique need. Getting married in Sept 09 and we%26#39;re looking to do so in Charlestown. Looking to get married around noon and then have a Brunch before having a party on the beach into the evening. I need help with the Brunch - we need a spot for about 125 people. Not interested in renting a hall or having it catered and delivered somewhere - hoping to rent out a restaurant that would be big enough to hold the whole gang. Any ideas? We%26#39;re looking into Shelter Harbor but it may be too small. We can%26#39;t get Up River Cafe to return our calls (which is quite disappointing). Hoping to stay relatively close to the area - Westerly, Charlestown.

    Thanks for any guidance you have.

    Wedding Brunch near Charlestown

    My first thought was Old Wilcox Tavern, but I don%26#39;t think they can accommodate 125 people... I heard that My Mary%26#39;s Restaurant re-opened in Westerly? Other ideas were Watch Hill Inn or The Pleasant View Inn? I would check out the Westerly Chamber of Commerce for a listing of restaurants.

    Are you having the wedding on the beach? I saw a couple get married at the Breachway in Charlestown this past fall and it was beautiful.

    Wedding Brunch near Charlestown

    My first thought was Wilcox Tavern also, but I agree that it may be too small for 125 (doesn%26#39;t hurt to call and ask them though).

    I had my wedding reception at the Watch Hill Inn and it was absolutely beautiful. Their party room overlooks the bay. Since then the Inn has been converted to condos, but I think they still have receptions in the same room.

    Another option is Venice Restaurant on Shore Road in Westerly. It%26#39;s big and can probably handle 125.

    Well Venice should be large enough, but I do not know much about their food. I know the Knickerbocker in Westerly is about to reopen in a few weeks, and they definitely have both the kitchen and space to host an event, and have been completely renovated. Wilcox, including the rooms on the sides might be large enough, I am not sure. I think that My Mary%26#39;s is closed again, so that would not work. How about Chester House in Westerly, it is more of an event space than restaurant, but they do their own catering.

    good luck.

    I might be wrong about My Mary%26#39;s being open, so you might want to check that one. Here is Venice%26#39;s website

  • black heads
  • Places to stay on Block Island

    About a year ago, someone asked for recommendations for places to say on Block Island. From what I can tell, no one came forward with any options. ARE THE NO NICE PLACES TO STAY ON THE ISLAND?? I%26#39;m going in July or August of this year and am looking for someplace either on or very near the beach, walking distance to restaurants and %26#39;attractions%26#39;, either a B %26amp; B or small hotel. Thanks!

    Places to stay on Block Island鈥?/a>

    That link brings you to Block Island hotels on this web site.

    You can also find the link on the top left of this page.

    vacation/honeymoon rental

    Hi, My husband and I are planning to have our honeymoon at the end of April. We%26#39;ve been married 30 years and never had one. Anyway, could someone please make some suggestions for rental property along a beach for about a month%26#39;s time? Thanks in advance. p.s. If anyone knows of the same deals in CT, would be appreciated, too.

    Are there tennis courts on the island?

    Hello everyone,

    I have been trying to find this information, but it has been difficult. Does anyone know?


    Are there tennis courts on the island?

    Yes at Champlins and a couple oof othe places:

    Are there tennis courts on the island?

    Thank you so much! I somehow missed this website when I was searching.

  • black heads
  • Twin River Is A Must Stop!

    I go to Twin River often ,my friends and I have a great time! Fred and Steves lounge is our favorite resturant, they have a lounge menu that offers burgers and fish%26amp; chips for a great price. Then on the weekends they have live bands at the bar in the middle of the casino. My favorite part is the smokefree areas they offer =) for people like myself who hate smokers!

    Twin River Is A Must Stop!

    Interesting first post.....I%26#39;ve never heard anyone say it was a ';Must Stop';;s a glorified dog track with slot machines, not even in the same class as Mohegan Sun or foxwoods.

    Newport Vineyard Spring Celebration

    My wife and I will be spending our 20th anniversary this April up in Newport. I noticed the Newport Vineyard is having their spring celebration that weekend, anyone ever go to this? Is it worth checking out?


    Newport Vineyard Spring Celebration

    Haven%26#39;t been, and haven%26#39;t really heard anything about it from anyone around town guess is it%26#39;s really just another name for the Open House/Wine tastings that they usually offer.

    If it%26#39;s something that interests you, you could easily stop by for a little bit, but it%26#39;s not something you%26#39;d spend the day at or anything. More like a quaint stop if you were out for a drive.

    If wineries interest you, the biggeest in the area is Sakonnett Vineyards over in Little Compton. There is also Greenvale Vineyards in Portsmouth, not far from Newport Vineyards.....don%26#39;t be expecting Napa though.

    IMO, while the wineries and vineyards are nice, it%26#39;s not like your trip to the Newport area would be incomplete if you didn%26#39;t stop at one.

    Newport Vineyard Spring Celebration

    I agree with Milemarker, the vineyards in this area are quite tiny so don%26#39;t hold your breathe. Sakonnet is bigger and better worth the visit if you%26#39;re a ';grape-nut%26#39; like some of us. Just up the road a little is Westport River Winery in Westport, Mass, similar to Sakonnet, VERY worthwhile a visit and they have Buzzards Bay Brewery at one end of their property. Also, a newer, more undeveloped winery nearby in Dartmouth, Mass is the Running Brook Vineyards (I think that%26#39;s the name) close to Rt 195 which has excellent wines for tastings and sales. But around Newport- hmmmmm, not much.

    Hi, I'm trying to plan a summer holiday for my family, and a

    Hi, I%26#39;m trying to plan a summer holiday for my family, and am overwhelmed by the possibilities! I%26#39;d really appreciate any advice on itinerary or places to stay. (I%26#39;m posting this in a number of forums)

    We%26#39;re travelling with our 2 small sons - eldest will be 3 by then and the younger just 18 months. They%26#39;re both pretty well travelled, but we will be looking to stay in apartments/houses or suites as previous experience has proved staying in a regular hotel room is not really a holiday!

    I%26#39;m pretty fixed on the idea of flying into Dulles and out of Boston - but what to so in between is the confusing factor. So far I%26#39;m considering Shenandoah, Lancaster PA, Baltimore, Hyannis, Boston - but am tempted by lots of other places, especially upstate New York.

    We live practically on the Atlantic coast here in N Ireland, so a seaside holiday isn%26#39;t essential, but we do want at least part of our trip to be restful, by the pool type thing. We%26#39;ve been to the Rockies and enjoy the mountains , opportunities for walking/ bike hire without being too sporty (hard with 2 small kids). I%26#39;m interested in history, politics, literature - husband is more scientifically minded, and the kids are obviously a bit young for too much sightseeing.

    Any suggestions gratefully received.

    Hi, I'm trying to plan a summer holiday for my family, and a

    Maybe look into renting a house in Narragansett, RI. I know that some houses offered by Durkin Cottage Realty ( offer access to their pool and are close to the beaches. It is a short drive to Jamestown, RI and Newport- which offer state parks and more beaches. Newport has lots of history- colonial, military and architectural. Some might be difficult to do with little ones though. Some things to google- Preservation Society of Newport, Fort Adams Trust, Touro Synagogue, International Tennis Hall of Fame, Fort Wetherill State Park, Brenton Point (go fly a kite!), Beavertail State Park, Scarborough Beach, Sand Hill Cove beach, Galilee RI, Point Judith. Also look into Block Island.

    Just some ideas for you to look into!

    Hi, I'm trying to plan a summer holiday for my family, and a

    Thanks! I%26#39;ll definitely check out your suggestions.

    new timer


    my partner and I are planing our trip in April to the states. We are staying in NYC for 4 nights then we would like to hire a car and drive up North to the New England states .

    My question is :

    Is April still cold up North and do we need a 4WD?

    What are the most scenic routes for this time of year as we are interested in Nature.

    Can someone help with pointers where to stay

    we need to cover some distance as well



    new timer

    Yes, it can be chilly, usually not freezing, sometimes down right warm. No, you don%26#39;t need 4 wheel drive unless you are heading into the mountains of Maine, New Hampshire or Vermont. Scenic routes depend upon whether you want coastline or mountains, or just inland hills. I would get maps of each state and just stay off the main interstates which are all efficient and pretty boring. Otherwise, you will probably like just about any route- again figure out what kind of environment you want to visit. There is alot of driving between and within the NE states and I would recommend looking up B%26amp;Bs if you can afford them. Prices that time of year should be very affordable though as people are still heading south on vacation that time of year, not north.

    new timer

    thanks karrieb for your info

    when you say B%26amp;B are expensive... how much are we talking about? here in Australia they vary between AU$100 and AU$200 is that about the same in USA???

    we are driving up to Boston as well, and I am worried that if we stay in the city then parking the car is gonna be expensive any recommendation B%26amp;B around the city with easy public transpont in to see city attractions or is parking accessable and affordable in Boston?

    We are planning two days for boston any must do visits???



  • black heads
  • Italian Boiled Pepper Biscuits

    Does anyone know where I can buy some good old Boiled Pepper or Fennel Biscuits, anywhere in RI? The Old Italian Nornas in my neighborhood all used to make them, but now I can%26#39;t find any anywhere. Marias Bakery sells to a few local delis, but now I can%26#39;t find her boiled biscuits any more either.Please help. Anyone know her phone number?

    Italian Boiled Pepper Biscuits

    Belmont Market in Wakefield carries pepper biscuits. They%26#39;re made by Catanzaro%26#39;s in Pawtucket.

    Italian Boiled Pepper Biscuits

    Thanks Sheila for replying. Are these pepper biscuits Boiled? I know many stores and bakerys that I can purchase Pepper biscuits, but they are not Boiled first then baked. There is quite a big difference in the Boiled Vs. Baked. I appreciate your reply.

    Sorry, I really don%26#39;t know.

    I am in upstate ny and privately sell my boiled than baked pepper biscuits in my brother%26#39;s restaurant. I also add fennel and anise to the mix. but could just as easily leave it out. Let me know if you would like me to mail some to you. I offer them @ $5.00/1/2 lb.


    Hi, I%26#39;m in Melbourne, Australia and just found your post after a world wide search for italian savouory fennel biscuits.....I would love to make them myself. Any suggesions? We love fennel, aniseed and pepper as well. Thanks in advance for any hints on how to make these delightful boiled and baked savoury beauties.

    Here is the recipe if you would like to try it yourself -…00.html - this is the boiled variety. Hope you enjoy. Sounds interesting - I%26#39;ve never had them.

  • Certifications for Web-development
  • Waterfire?

    Hi all,

    I%26#39;m thinking of spending a weekend in Rhode Island this summer. It will be my first visit and although I%26#39;d love to stay in Newport, I might end up in Warwick (due to affordability).

    I%26#39;ve read and heard about the waterfire display and would like to schedule my trip around it. I was wondering if anyone knows where or when I can find the 2009 schedule? It is not on yet. Thanks!


    Yes, you do need to check the schedule but generally, they start sometime in the Spring with infrequent mid week or Sat evening events, then it ramps up closer to Summer when you can pretty much count on a Sat evening 3-4 times a month and sometimes a shorter mid week event. Then it winds down again in late Summer into around Sept. The problem with scheduling has to do with funds- the more money they raise, the more events they can sponsor so even once the schedule is posted on-line, you%26#39;ll see additions to it as time goes on. Not sure if you know, but its in downtown Providence and the fires are lit for the length of a canal that runs from the Bay over to Rt 95, roughly a mile or so. There is piped in music, street venues, food carts, sometimes a concert or two or three and can be VERY, VERY crowded so dress for walking and shuffling and relaxing- no heels as there is alot of cobblestone. You can park for free by heading uphill towards Brown University and pick any number of open street spots- just be prepared to climb up and down those hills!


    Thank you for ALL of the info.! I will just keep in eye out for the schedule on the website! :)

    Jazz festival 2009

    I was thinking of going to Newport Rhode Island and then I heard that there is a jazz festival every year there in August. Does anybody know what dates....since I can%26#39;t find them yet? I know the festival takes place in Fort Adam%26#39;s State Park. Does anyone have recommendations of inexpensive hotels or b%26amp;b close to the park....maybe within walking distance. Any suggestions on lodging,restaurants,and things to do are appreciated. Thanks!!!

    Jazz festival 2009

    It is going to be on August 8-9 this year at Fort Adams. The weekend before is usually the Folk Fest. I don%26#39;t know if they have the line up yet but it is run by festival productions at festival Parking in the park is like ridiculous, so I recommend taking one of the many ferries that run from downtown Newport or Jamestown to get there. It will be so much easier to leave later since there is only one road out of the park.

    As far as I know, most of the area around the fort is residential, except maybe Ocean Cliff and Castle Hill- which are pretty pricey. From the entrance of the park to where the festival is has to be over a mile walk- that%26#39;s why it is easier to take the ferries in because they drop you off right at the entrance to the festival. Otherwise you have to pay to park far away in the park- and either walk or take a school bus down to the festival.

    If you stay somewhere in downtown you can take a ferry from Perroti Park across from the Brick Market for like $5 and get to the festival in 15 minutes. You can also park in downtown if you stay up in Middletown- you would just have to pay for parking there too and then the ferry.

    The festival is amazing. Your pass gets you into all 3 stages all day. I%26#39;ve been there the last 3 years and if its a nice weekend- it is so enjoyable. It is mostly outdoors- so rain can kind of ruin it. Be prepared! There is not much shelter.

    It is a great time if you know how to get around the traffic situation. Bring blankets and chairs to sit on, and there are plenty of vendors with food and merchandise. Alcohol will be confiscated when entering the park, but can be bought and consumed once inside the festival in a restricted area. I would think they would be posting the line up soon so keep a look out!

    Jazz festival 2009

    I got the Marriot on Americas Cup Blvd for $75 on priceline. Thought it was best to book early....however...can%26#39;t find ANYTHING on the net about the jazz fest and am frustrated about that....

    Wow, if you got the Marriott for $75 for a weekend in August, that%26#39;s a great deal....although that doesn%26#39;t bode well for tourism outlook this summer.

    The festivals this year, Jazz and Folk, are in doubt because of sponsors not renewing, and the debts that are owed. The organizers say that thee shows will go on, but I wouldn%26#39;t be too sure. is the website. They say a new website is ';coming soon'; but again, I wonder....


    Above is a link to new developments dealing with the festivals this year. It%26#39;s from the Providence Journal website.

    Thanks so much for this link.....sounds like good news!

    Aussie needs help!

    My wife and I will be travelling to New York in late September and spending a week in Mnhattan before heading up to New England. We plan to catch a train to New Haven CT, hire a car and then just cruise though New England for 2 weeks before heading back to Manhattan for another week. However, I am beginning to realise that the Fall in New England is a very busy time with accomodation at a premium in some areas. So, I would really welcome some help in setting up an intinerary so I can start booking inns and B%26amp;Bs, our preferred type of accomodation.

    From New Haven we intended hugging the coast up into Capoe Cod and after that, who knows? We love small coastal towns, similar inland etc.

    If anyone can come up with ideas on great places to go for our 2 weeks I would really welcome some assistance.

    Thank you,


    Aussie needs help!

    Check out SomersetBoys post down near bottom, that should give you plenty of ideas.

    Aussie needs help!

    Thanks Hillside, will do.

    Much appreciated,


    Rhode Island is a fabulous state, much under appreciated. The beaches are gorgeous and not nearly as crowded as some elsewhere. Providence has fantastic restaurants and the historical buildings there are great. We hang out in RI all the time as its easier to get around and cheaper than our home state of Mass. In September, NOT on a weekend, check out Newport, Narragansett, Block Island, Providence, Westerly, the Kingston area, Wickford, Bristol, I could go on and on as these are all lovely coastline areas that are well worth visiting. Block Island is reached by a ferry from Point Judith (get a map as soon as possible) and it%26#39;ll be very quiet but if you like small coastal towns, you won%26#39;t be disappointed by any of these. Inland, just take your map and start driving west for some laid back and pretty little towns. The driving isn%26#39;t too bad as its a small state.

    Hi Karrieb,

    Firstly, thanks for your reply. A great thing about these forums is that you can get info %26#39;straight from the horse%26#39;s mouth%26#39; in the form of people familiar with the areas you are interested in. I have cut and pasted your reply into a %26#39;New Englang%26#39; file I have started. We will certainly be staying at Newport which will most likely be our first overnight stop after we pick up a rental car in New Haven. I now have a very well detailed road map of New England and I have also ordered a GPS for the rental car. Thanks once again,


    looking for affordable accommodations end of Aug

    Our daughter is getting married on the beach in Newport at the end of August and we%26#39;re looking for accommodations that could sleep 4 for under $200/night. Recommendations? I%26#39;ve been scouting B%26amp;B, Inns and VRBO but prices seem so high considering the economy!

    looking for affordable accommodations end of Aug

    DId you check Middletown, its next to Newport, just a lot more commercial, but 10 min away.

    looking for affordable accommodations end of Aug

    You could try Priceline....somebody yesterday just posted that they got the Marriott for $75 the second weekend in August...

    Middletown could be your best bet. The only downfall is that you won%26#39;t be able to walk to all of the downtown destinations

    First visit to Newport

    My wife and I are planning to visit Cape Cod towards mid-June 2009. Due to budget constrains, we would like to book a hotel in Warwick and use it as our basis to explore the Cape.

    According to our current schedule, we will be diving from NYC to Newport (about 4 hours drive) and visit the area in the afternoon. We have allocated 4 - 5 hours for this purpose in the afternoon. What are the attractions the Forum will recommend us to visit in such a short time? Would it be recommendable to extend our stay in the Newport area and visit further attractions?

    Any help on the subject will be greatly appreciated.

    First visit to Newport

    First off, do not base a Cape Cod vacation in Warwick, RI. There is no budget restraint that would make that feasable, it%26#39;s just way too far to use as a base to explore the Cape. There are many budget hotels in the mid-cape area that (Hyannis, Yarmouth, Dennis) that would fit most any budget, especially in mid June. Post a message on the Massachusetts - Cape Cod Forum and you%26#39;ll get lots of advice.

    Now, regarding Newport, 4 or 5 hours in Newport would give you a brief overview of the city, but if you could spend longer, or even a night, you%26#39;d get more out of the experience. There are mansions to tour, the Cliff Walk to walk, the shops, restaurants, and wharves to explore. Seeing as you are from Tel Aviv, a tour of the Touro Synagogue might be of interest:

    Check out for area information.

    First visit to Newport

    to add....I would probably suggest exploring Newport that day and then staying overnight. If you can%26#39;t find anything in Newport within your budget, you could stay just a couple minutes away in Middletown. They offer many budget accomodations.

    I would then head up to the Cape the next day. It would be about an hour to the start of the Upper Cape area.

    Milemarker has some good suggestions. Definitely lots of budget accommodations in the towns he has listed he and this will be much closer to explore Cape Cod. He also gives good advice about staying in Middletown RI. From Middletown, you can drive over to the Newport Visitor center in about 10 minutes and leave your car there. There is public bus that you can take around Newport from the visitor center to the mansions, cliff walk, ...

    People come from all over to visit Newport to see the historic mansions, walk the cliff walk, eat at one of the nice restaurants, enjoy walking around seeing one of the largest concentrations of colonial era homes etc. These are some of the most popular things to do. Some off the beaten path things to do: see the supposed Viking tower, visit the historic Touro Synagogue (oldest in the US). You may wish to check out the GoNewport web site as well as TripAdvisors web site.

    And please remember on your trip to ';The Cape'; that you will be traveling in our prime time here (mid-June) and the traffic will probably be quite vicious especially in the Bourne area and canal (towards the Cape Bridges) and also along rt 6 traveling up to the ';tip'; Provincetown. If on the weekend it can be slow going, just plan ahead for the extra travel time through that area.

    Just a heads up- Touro Synagogue closed today- …

    some really sad news.

  • black heads
  • sausage in a pasta recipe
  • Westin or Courtyard/ laundry concerns

    We will be staying for two weeks+ in downtown Providence because our daughters will be attending Brown%26#39;s summer precollege program. I have reservations at the Courtyard by Marriott downtown Providence because it has a coin operated laundromat which will save me time rather than handwashing or taking to a laundromat. I would prefer to stay in the Biltmore or Westin. I would like to inquire if there is a coin operated laundry in the area somewhere near these places. Also, do you have to cross a busy street to get from Courtyard to the Providence Place Mall? That would be a big deciding factor if you do. Thank you in advance.

    Westin or Courtyard/ laundry concerns

    I don%26#39;t know about the laundromat but frankly have never seen one in that area when walking around. My personal feeling is that if you can afford to stay at the Westin or the Biltmore, can%26#39;t you afford to send your laundry out through them, as its a service they will probably have? The Providence Place Mall does require that you walk across a street as it sits by itself on a very, very busy intersection next to Rt 95. That being said, there are lights at the intersection to cross by and I%26#39;ve never heard of anyone being hit by a car there.

    Westin or Courtyard/ laundry concerns

    Thank you for the information. We usually stay in higher end hotels but I never spend on the extras because we usually stay in the U.S. for a month. And the only way we can afford it is to cut back on the little things like laundry and food. We%26#39;re happy to just eat bread and cheese and a cup of soup for dinner usually. Since there%26#39;s 5 of us, the laundry could cost a small fortune. I will also look at some apartment hotels in the Providence area but prefer to be near Brown.

    Thanks again.

    I don%26#39;t know of any laundromats downcity, but I know of at least one on the East Side. If the Courtyard has one, and it%26#39;s important to you, I%26#39;d stay there. It%26#39;s in a good location downcity.

    Thanks for your time in answering me. It seems as though the Courtyard is our best bet since we%26#39;ll be there for 2 weeks. If you have any ideas on things to do with my 12 year old in the Providence area while my older two will be at Brown I would appreciate the ideas. Thanks!!!

    Be sure to go to for the schedule of waterfire burnings which your whole family will love, its an evening fire thing along the canal with music, food vendors, entertainment of all sorts, and happens about once a week on the weekends in the summer. Your 12 year old might like the Children%26#39;s Museum. Mostly, the city is great for walking around the hills near Brown University but there isn%26#39;t tons of things for a teenager to do as the city is small and public transportation is minimal. You might look into day programs for the 12 year old for sailing or something at Brown or another local private school geared towards that age group. Otherwise, you should plan on day trips to the many fantastic beaches, head to Mystic Seaport in Connecticut, maybe a day trip to Boston or Provincetown- check the things to do link on TA for some ideas.

    Can%26#39;t Wait to go now! Providence sounds like a great place!

    Easy walks from the Courtyard for learning adventures that you and your daughter should enjoy include; The State House, Roger Williams National Memorial, RISD Museum of Art. It is also easy to take the bus to Newport for a day. The visitor center of the Providence/Warwick CVB is across the street from the Courtyard. You can get maps, brochures and lots of ideas there.

    TF Green Airport Parking

    We are flying out of Providence and need a place to leave the car. Are there other places besides the lots at the airport? Any recommendations would be helpful. Thanks!

    TF Green Airport Parking

    There%26#39;s a company across the street called Pre-Flight. Print the coupon on the internet and it%26#39;s only $8.80 a day or $42.00 a week (20% off the usual rates)

    There is also the airport valet (they%26#39;ll have the car waiting for you warmed up etc) Look for coupons on-line

    Those are the two easiest off airport places.

    There is a reasonably priced garage at the airport as well 15/day $56/week. (The same as their long term outdoor lot for the week.)

    TF Green Airport Parking

    Why not try a one way rental from a car rental place? And then you can do the same to go home.

    That%26#39;s my choice rather than leaving it in a strange parking lot and having to worry about it.

    I%26#39;ve used Preflight on more than one business trip and it was very convenient and safe.

    We%26#39;ve used preflight a few times, for long and short trips.

    I agree that it is conveinent, safe %26amp; a good value with the coupon.

    We travel frequently and always use Payless Parking. Their so friendly and convenient and your car is warmed up when you get home. No hassle of digging your car out of the snow!!

    30 somethings planning a 3 day weekend in New England area

    Does anyone have a suggestion on a 3 day weekend trip in the New England areas.....Rhode Island, Mass., Vermont, Conn. Looking to go March 20-23. Want to have some good local foods and drinks. Take in a little history, sites along the way. Maybe a winery...but not a must. Like to stick to the locally spots as opposed to touristy. Thank you!

    St Patricks Day Parade

    I%26#39;m looking to go to the St Patrick%26#39;s Day parade this year in Newport but have never been.

    I%26#39;m looking for any details like where the best place to watch it is, if anything else goes on, and basically what do people usually do that day.

    I assume it gets really busy so what%26#39;s the deal with parking and such. How early should I get there. I was thinking maybe it would be a good idea to park at Kings Park if that%26#39;s allowed. Any suggestions are welcomed!

    St Patricks Day Parade

    Unless you geet into town early, I don%26#39;t think you%26#39;ll find any parking near Kings Park, teh Hibernian Hall there is Ground Zero for some of the day%26#39;s activities.

    There really is no ';better'; place to watch it, but there is generally more room up on Broadway or the Upper Thames St areas. As you get to lower Thames and the Fifth Ward, there just isn%26#39;t as much room to move on the sidewalks.

    Yes it is a busy day in town, warmer, sunny days even more so. Most of the bars and restuarants along thee route will be packed, and there is a large contingency of those looking to recreate Mardi Gras.

    My advice would be to park at the Visitors Center and walk to a place to watch the parade. If your looking to hit one of the more popular bars, expect to get there early, and their might be a cover charge as if it were summer. Later in the day, lines will be long. Ever since Christie%26#39;s closed, the crowds have had to spread out to the smaller bars and restuarants in the city, and they%26#39;re capitalizing on it.

    St Patricks Day Parade

    We were also thinking of coming down to this parade this year for a change of pace.

    Do you mean park at the Visitor Center on America%26#39;s Cup Ave? Can you park there all day?

    Yes, as an alternative, if you are familiar with Newport at all, you can try parking on a side street, resident stickers and meters have not gone into effect yet.

    A good spot would be, up on Kay Street scross from the Viking Hotel. Parking is allowed on the street (year round) and you can just walk down the Hill to the parade route. Just be advised that police will start to close some of the side streets that lead into Broadway a little bit before the parade.

    sounds good! thx

    Thanks for the tips! I watched it on the little island at Washington square and Thames and left early to get seated at Brick Alley with no wait. It was a great day :)

    yes, thanks again for the parking idea. We parked on a side street right past the Viking.

    Nice parade-good for little ones without a lot of rowdiness.

    Upstairs cottage / B&B , experiences, anyone?

    Thinking about either the cottage or the B%26amp;B for my husband and I. We are familiar with BI bit not with this property. I%26#39;d love to hear from you if you have knowledge of the Upstairs cottage and B %26amp; B. Thanks!

  • common boys names
  • Hotels in Providence

    I am going to Providence next March 20 for 2 days. I would like to know which th best location to stay and if there are recomendations about hotels U$D 100/120

    Thanks a lot,


    Hotels in Providence

    In the center of Downcity. Try Courtyard by Mariott, Westin, Biltmore, Hilton, or Renaissance. Go to for more info on accomodations, things to do, places to eat, tour guides, etc.

    Hotels in Providence

    Hello Federico

    I would recommend Hotel Dolce Villa ( located in the %26#39;italian neighborhood%26#39; of Federal Hill just outside of downtown Providence. The location is very historic and beautiful with over a dozen very authentic Italian restaurants in walking distance. The hotel itself has decent sized rooms all with full kitchens and living rooms. The decor is really unique inside with a white and silver theme, unlike what we%26#39;re used to seeing at chain hotels. The best way to get a deal is through checking online booking sites like Expedia; the hotel%26#39;s website promises to beat any price you find online.

    Enjoy your trip to Providence and good luck! It%26#39;s a really nice little city.

    Tuesday, March 27, 2012

    Block Island in mid-May

    I am interested in going to Block Island for 2 nights in mid-May. Can anyone advise on the weather at that time? Also, will the shops %26amp; restaurants be open? We are planning a mid-week visit.

    Thank you!

    Block Island in mid-May

    The weather in May is usually cool and windy. Dress warm, after the sun goes down it can get real cold. Of course rain is always a possibility at this time of the year.

    Many of the shops and restaurants will still be closed but you can always find something open to get some food. May is a great time to visit Block Island. It%26#39;s like you have the whole island to yourself. Just don%26#39;t expect a whole lot to be open.

  • benefits from computer viruses
  • Hotel for June13

    We are traveling through Newport on June 12. Will be be able to find a $100ish priced hotel without reservations?

    Hotel for June13

    I doubt that you will be able to do that in Newport at that time of year. About the only chance you have in my opinion would be through Priceline if you%26#39;re determined to stay right in Newport. At that price though, I%26#39;d say your best bet would be to look into hotels in Middletown, Porstmouth, and other neighboring towns. Good luck!

    Hotel for June13

    Thanks. I was considering one of those towns too.

    When is Happy Hour at McCormick & Schmick's?

    I know they have a great happy hour with cheap food, does anyone know what time its at on the weekend, and is there a minimum drink order you have to place to get the discounted food?

    When is Happy Hour at McCormick %26amp; Schmick's?

    It used to be 3:30 - 6:30 and like 9:30p to 11:30p at the bar....not sure if it includes weekends though...might give them a call.