Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fireworks on the 4th?

Does anyone know if Newport and/or the surrounding towns will be having a fireworks display on Friday, the 4th? I%26#39;ve been searching the internet and haven%26#39;t found too much. If so, would any of these displays be seen from Castle Hill?

Fireworks on the 4th?

They are on the 4th this year, you SHOULD be able to see them from Castl Hill with no problem, but there could be a slight curve so I%26#39;m not quite could always go down the road to Ft. Adams but I%26#39;m sure a call to Castle Hill would solve the question for you. You might also be able to catch Jamestown%26#39;s fireworks...they usually go of from mackeral Cove, across the Bay a bit....wouldn;t be nearly as close, but still fun...I%26#39;ll have to check to see when their%26#39;s are.

Also, if you%26#39;re around later than the 4th, the Naval Staation has a big display on the 6th.

Bristol has them on the 3rd, but it%26#39;s a zoo up there over 4th of July weekend because of the parade.

You may also luck out with some private firework displays from some of the manisons, but you%26#39;d most likely not see those from Castle Hill.

Fireworks on the 4th?

I was going to ask a similar question. We will be in Newport over July 4th weekend. Any holiday activities going on? Are there actual fire works in Newport? Thanks for the help!

We are actually getting married there, so we probably won%26#39;t be able to walk down the road. We are sticking around for a few days, so we will definitely try to catch the fireworks on the 6th. I%26#39;ll give Castle Hill a call to see if they have any more info. Thanks!

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