I am planing on heading over to Block Island with my Girlfriend during the first weekend of October.
I am looking for a place that is very quiet and relaxing, a bit away from the center of town and not too expensive, I came across the Bellvue house, and it looks nice from the pictures.
Has anyone stayed there? comments good or bad?
Or another place that might meet our criteria?
Thanks for any replies
Anyone Been to the Bellevue House?
I can%26#39;t comment on the Bellevue House beyond the observation that you have - I%26#39;ve never set foot inside the place.
There have been numerous other BI threads on the same topic, so browse them at your leisure. In general, room prices on the island tend to be on the steep side, but are more reasonable the farther out from Old Harbor you go. The Sullivan House or the Old Town Inn might be just the ticket, since they%26#39;re away from the commercial hub (but not too far - the entire island is only 7 square miles, after all.) Hygeia House used to be on my list of suggested places, but there%26#39;s been nothing but hate about it in TA reviews recently. Also steer clear of the Highview Inn, except perhaps for socializing at its ';Club Soda'; bar. The place looks like a firetrap.
You%26#39;ve chosen an awesome time to visit. What can I say, my annual ';retreat'; there starts on the following Wednesday. It%26#39;s still mild if not warm, and breezy, during the day and cool but not overly chilly at night. Best of all, the hordes of tourists are long gone. Bars still draw a crowd on Red Sox or football game nights, but other than that everything%26#39;s slowed down to a great mellow pace. You%26#39;re in for some excellent R %26amp; R.
BTW for a candlelit, ';occasion'; sort of dinner the best places to reserve a table for two at are Winfield%26#39;s, the restaurants at the Manisses Hotel, and the Spring House. Eli%26#39;s is also a great place for dining on the upscale side, but despite its candles and low lighting it%26#39;s not the best mood-setter - the space is tiny and tables are elbow-to-elbow. Save room for dessert at The Ice Cream Place (my fingers are crossed they%26#39;ll stay open until Columbus Day this year.) And forget about calories, pick up some freshly-made product at Blocks of Fudge!
Anyone Been to the Bellevue House?
Hi there. I use to live on the island year round in the 80%26#39;s. I left after the airplane went down in Dec. due to the piolet being sick and still allowed to fly the plane. The company was named Watch Hill air charter. Don%26#39;t fly!! Take the ferry over from point judith R.I.. You will find some of the hotels good and some of them really crappy!! The island is beautiful and as long as you don%26#39;t rent a moped,(the islanders hate them and becouse of the sand on the roads, they are dangerous!), you will have a good time. Also, only drink bottled water there, or beer! The High View hotel is out of town and has beautiful views. You will not find anywhere thats cheap on the island, much like any vacation spot, but check out private homes renting rooms. They tend to be the cheapest and the nicest. Hope you have a good time. If Ed McGovern is still the mayor there, say hi from Paul. I use to chef for him in the late 80%26#39;s at the Yellow Kittens. I live now in England. You should check this island out!!! Cheers.
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