My husband and I are in our 30s and planning to be in Newport for 4 days prior to a business conference in mid-July. It is the first time that either of us have been there. We are currently planning to stay at the Vanderbilt.
I%26#39;ve done some research, but still don%26#39;t have a good feel for Newport. Should we expect to do a lot of shopping/site seeing, or are there a lot of beach/water activities? Should we be concerned that our hotel doesn%26#39;t have a pool or beach access? It is worth staying somewhere else that does have these amenities?
I%26#39;m guessing that we%26#39;ll do the ocean drive and the cliff walk; maybe go to a mansion. Is doing a side-trip to Martha%26#39;s Vineyard a good day trip, or should we do something closer?
Also, can anyone recommend a restaurant for my husband%26#39;s birthday? I%26#39;m looking for someplace that%26#39;s upscale, but still has a young, hip and fun vibe.
Need help getting a ';feel'; for Newport
Newport is good for all of the things you mentioned (shopping, sightseeing, beaches, water activities...) I would only be concerned about the beach/pool thing if it is something you can%26#39;t live without (but sounds like you can) Not many places have ';beach access%26#39; as they aren%26#39;t located on the beach. You could drive out to Second Beach or Gooseberry Beach if you wanted to spend time at the beach. Only a few hotels have pools and most aren%26#39;t even outside (the season is just too short) Vanderbilt Hall is a nice place within walking distance to lots, but still up a quite street to escape the crowds and noise.
IMO the Vineyard is too far and the logistics just too much to do for a day trip. (There is a fast ferry that leaves out of North Kingstown, RI to the Vineyard)
Block Island is more manageable for a day trip if you are looking to get away...a ferry leaves from Newport or you could drive down to Point Judith for more options.
Plenty of restaurants in newport. Clarke Cooke House, The Mooring, 22 Bowens, Black Pearl, West Deck, Asterisk all are good, not too stuffy. (all of them also double as bar/lounges in the evening)
Castle Hill and the Spiced Pear are upscale, but have varying degrees of young and hip vibe....but their settings are nice.
Also the 5th Element is a popular place with 30 - 40 somethings....it%26#39;s food is probably not as upscale as you%26#39;d want for your husband%26#39;s birthday but good none-the-less...especially their wood grilled pizzas. Their bar is popular at night.
Not sure if you%26#39;ve been to Annapolis,MD before, but I heard somebody once somewhat accurately describe Newport as ';Annapolis on steroids';....as far as nightlife, water activities, shopping, etc....to help give you a ';feel';
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