Me and my girlfriend will be heading to Newport the end of June. Will be staying in B%26amp;B (Adele Turner). Anyway, can anyone recommend some great places to drink at night in Newport? I%26#39;ve never been and was hoping that its a not a real sleepy town. We plan on doing the ';Newport'; things like the cliff walk and mansion tours. But we also want to let loose at the end of the night.
night life in newport...end of june
You%26#39;ve come to the right place....Newport is said to be ';A Drinking Town with a Sailing Problem';.
One thing to take note of is that closing time for bars is 1:00am! Newporter%26#39;s tend to start a little earlier in the day and therefore go to bed a little eearlier.
Some favorite haunts for drinks and conversation:
Brick Alley Pub
Mudville Pub
West Deck
The Pier
Pier 49
5th Element
Slightly more upscale (i.e. $$):
Clarke Cooke House
The Mooring
22 Bowen%26#39;s
DJ%26#39;s/Bands and/or Dancing:
Boom Boom Room (Downstairs at the Cooke House It can get a little snooty at the door though)
The Pelham
The Club (above the Pelham)
Rhino Bar/Mamba Room
The Landing
Billy Goode%26#39;s (slightly older, local crowd)
Rusty%26#39;s in Middletown (slightly older, local crowd)
Atlantic Beach Club (During the day)
night life in newport...end of june
thanks so much for the extensive list. i%26#39;m going to check out their websites.
Yeah, sorry I was a little bit rushed and didn%26#39;t include any...(I really should make a template for those things) but check out they have a dining section that has links to alot of the websites.
Have fun!
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