Thursday, April 26, 2012

2 night stay over 4th of July - Help!

I could use a little help from the forum. My fiancee and I are looking at spending July 4th in Newport and would love to stay at a B%26amp;B. I%26#39;ve consulted over a dozen and just about everyone that has vacancy requires a 3 night stay. Since we%26#39;ll be coming in by train to Providence and then taking the ferry down to Newport, we probably can%26#39;t get in until Friday the 4th so a 3 night stay won%26#39;t work for us. Does anyone know of a good B%26amp;B that will accept a 2 night stay for a holiday weekend like the 4th of July??


2 night stay over 4th of July - Help!

check out:

they are showing availablity at some of their properties....

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