I am thinking of spending Thanksgiving in Newport RI. Some of the restaurants I may want to have dinner at are closed that day. Right now these look like some of my choices. Which would you recommend?
Spiced Pear
22 Bowen
White Horse Tavern
Castle Hill Inn (Buffet brunch)
Clarke Cooke House
Thanks for your feedback.
Thanksgiving in Newport RI
White Horse Inn for Thanksgiving dinner. Very cozy at that time of year. Give Clarke Cooke House a try on another day and have a drink at Castle Hill Inn.
Thanksgiving in Newport RI
I agree, White Horse Tavern because it would be more of a ';Thanksgiving Feel'; an old colonial house, fireplaces, cozy etc....
Spiced Pear is nice, but more ';ornate'; and gilded age like setting. Definitely stop by over Thanksgiving Weekend for a drink or dinner though.
Castle Hill has spectacular views. Clarke Cooke House and 22 Bowens are nice as well, and worth a stop, but for Thanksgiving itself, my nod would go to White Horse with Spiced Pear as #2, Castle Hill Brunch #3.
don%26#39;t even think twice:)
White Horse Tavern
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