Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I just found out about Block Island 10 minutes ago..

and now I want to come visit sometime in September or so.

What do I have to know about this place?

We are a couple 27 years of age, married, and along with liking the beach and sitting around doing nothing we enjoy some good sea food and some drinks to go along with them.

I heard there were two ferries, one with a car, one with out, which one would I want to take? What are the hours they run?

There are too many choices of places to stay, what should we be looking at? We don%26#39;t demand 5 star luxury, I don%26#39;t even know what is on the island so I don%26#39;t know where I%26#39;d want to stay either. Is anything within walking distance of places we%26#39;d go in the evening for dinner and drinks or do we need to drive around?

I%26#39;d bring my own bike, she might bring hers too, are there a lot of places to bike around as I have been reading?

Oof. So much to ask and find out. I appreciate any info anyone can give about this place that just showed up in my world.

I just found out about Block Island 10 minutes ago..

Block Island is one of my very favorite places!

Congratulations on your recent discovery!

September is a great time to be there too! Especially if you just enjoy relaxing in a casual beach community.

There is no need for a car at all, definitely bring your bikes, or rent some there. There is NO 5-star luxury, you will be disappointed if you expect that on Block Island! I like staying at the Old Harbor area, it makes all the bars and restaurants easily accessible. The Blue Dory Inn always gets rave reviews, esp for a married couple.


I just found out about Block Island 10 minutes ago..

We go almost every year and it%26#39;s a wonderful place (we are an older couple-well older than late twenties!)-but would rec. The Manisses Hotel for upscale (we love its restaurant, too-but there are so many good/fun/casual seafood and creative American fare)..great walking/biking. Cars NOT needed nor really welcomed there! There are scooters for rent h owever biking is the best way-also taxis-tours by locals fun for info!

Lots of outdoor decks/patios/porches for cocktails (think Spring House and Atlantic Inn for fab. sunset views (Atlantic usually does a raw-bar thing out on old porch and lawn-prob. best view on Island. Take your camera,and love it well (try and stay at least 3 nites to get a sense-the interior is lovely farmland with stones walls, etc.-2 harbors and access fm New London Ct (longer and faster ferries) and Pt. Judith for about 1 1/2 hr ferry ride but fun to wait there with lobster boats around, etc. Nl clearly closer to NJ!


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