Tuesday, April 24, 2012

July 4th fireworks

I know that there will be fireworks in Newport on July 4th because I saw it listed on the chamber%26#39;s website. But, they did not give the location. Does anyone know where the fireworks are held? and a good viewing spot? Also a really cool nighttime cruise would be nice.

Thanks for any info/ideas


July 4th fireworks

The local newspaper reported in yesterday%26#39;s edition that there may not be fireworks on the Fourth this year because the city council didn%26#39;t appropriate money, and volunteer fundraising is not bringing in enough.

Check with the local Convention and Visitors Bureau before you come!

July 4th fireworks

The fireworks can be viewed from Goat Island where Hyatt may charge for parking. you can park in town and walk over the causeway. in the event that they are cancelled, you may want to go to Bristol which is a twenty minute drive. Either way expect TONS of traffic. Good luck!

This is just another example of how the city counsil of Newport is keeping it%26#39;s head in the sand . It is content to keep Newport as a sleepy little Bed %26amp; Breakfast Summer town with high prices for everything .It only has two major events ( Jazz ,and Folk festivals) , The Mansion Tours , and a many minor events and attractions . The town closes down at 10PM and shuts tight by 1AM .

They need to create a year round envirorment . They need to encourage an adult ( 30+) nightlife and petition the courts ( and state legislature) for a one or two hour liquore service extension . They need to fund events like fireworks , and utilize the Parks for evening events such as plays and concerts . They need to encourage developement of the Casino Area . And they need a program to redevlope the ';Hill'; . If the town of Newport doesn%26#39;t start competing they are going to fall behind to up and coming areas such as Jamestown , Block Island , and the Conn. Casino Areas .

The fireworks in Newport are set off over Newport Harbour and can be seen from different vantage points. Fort Adams or Kings Park are two places to get a good view of them. You can park at the Visitors Center and walk over to see them also. I heard earlier this evening the fireworks for the 4th in Newport are cancelled and I haven%26#39;t been able to verify it. You might want to call the Newport police or the Visitors Center tomorrow to see what%26#39;s happening. Have a Happy Fourth!

Newport, R.I.: Fireworks at 9:15 p.m. in Newport Harbor. Parking available at multiple locations including Fort Adams and the Visitors’ Center. Free. Rain date: Saturday, July 5.


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