How do I get in touch with this hotel. I can%26#39;t find a phone # anywhere. How can I book a room or two for this year? Any suggestions?
Surf Hotel, Block Island
The number for The Surf is 401-466-2241. Lorraine Cyr will help you book. Good luck and have a wonderful stay.
Surf Hotel, Block Island
I have called the phone number for surf hotel that every site has provided which were allthe same and it says that the number was disconnected. The number i got was 401-466-2241. Can anyone help me get in touch with the surf hotel?
So sorry you are a bit late. You missed a wonderful experience.
The Surf Hotel has closed as of Columbus Day,2007.
It is on the market.
The Cyr%26#39;s have retired and are hopefully enjoying a long deserved rest.
Good luck finding your special place.
The National Hotel is directly across the street from the now closed Surf (401)466-2901
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