Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hartford To NewPort

I want to plan a day trip to Newport, RI. I will be driving from Hartford. I%26#39;m interested in visiting scenic places and some quiet beaches. My wife is interested in history.

Also anyone heard of the Al Forno Pizza shop in Providence? It is listed as one of the best Pizza joints in the country.

Hartford To NewPort

Well Newport will have enough stuff for both of you.

Al Forno while known for their pizza, is not really a pizza ';joint'; per-se...it%26#39;s a nice restaurant.


Hartford To NewPort

Can you suggest me some good places to visit in Newport?

Check out:


and also do a search on these forums....the major themes are:



Walk the Cliffwalk


Drive around Ocean Drive


Browse the wharfs of the harbor



Grab a bite to eat at one of the various restaurants

Gooseberry Beach or Second Beach

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