Friday, April 27, 2012

oh yeah....will also be looking for a good pub in providence

In town on business this week. Only have one night to get out. Looking to get into town in the afternoon...have a few ';pops'; before dinner, walk about, then some nice Italian.....then a few more pops.

Anyone have good suggestions on local pubs. No chains (RiRas) please. Need not be Irish, but I tend to end up there, or kinda dodgy, divey, smoky joints. Just looking for good cold beer, local folks. Not fratty or trendy.

Or, if there is an ';area'; with multiple options fitting that bill, that%26#39;s appreciated. Federal Hill? Areas around the Universities? RISD?



oh yeah....will also be looking for a good pub in providence

oh yeah....will also be looking for a good pub in providence

Pops?? If you like dodgy, divey, (smoking outlawed) downtown Prov should offer. There are some clubs like Lupo%26#39;s. THe Eastside is cool but can be college.

Here is a link for things going on:…

I realize this is a little for you but I%26#39;ll throw it up there for future people seeking the same sorta thing.

But I suggest going to RiRa. good food and cold beer.. Can%26#39;t ask for anything more.. ;o)

Blakes Tavern. Or Finnigans Irish wake

The RISD area is going to attract a young crowd, But Thayer St. has a lot of outdoor seating

Shanghai is a pretty hip local bar, on Thayer st. It%26#39;s on the second story of the building that also houses berks and blaze. Avoid Blaze if at all possible. The other pub I%26#39;d recommend is the penalty box, a hockey bar on North Main street. Really cool people working there. It%26#39;s under new ownership and it%26#39;s not a dive anymore.

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