Friday, April 27, 2012

Can you help me with info re: Newport?


I%26#39;m thinking of taking my husband away for a surprise weekend for his birthday and lately I%26#39;ve been getting suggestions for Newport, RI. (we are in our 30%26#39;s)

We live in the NY suburbs, about 45 minutes - 1 hour outside of NYC and right now I%26#39;m thinking of a weekend away September 5 - September 7, 2008 (Friday night - Sunday).

I%26#39;ve been doing some reading over the last day and like what I see in Spring Street Inn. Can anyone give me any additional information on this place? Rates? I did email them, I%26#39;m just awaiting a response.

In the past, we normally like to park the car and leave it for the weekend and walk everywhere, unless something is really worth to drive to. Can Spring Street Inn provide this convenience? What about other B%26amp;B%26#39;s or even a hotel that might meet our needs. I%26#39;m up to spending at least $200, but not $250 (if I can help it).

Besides visiting a mansion or 2, what things are there to do during the day? Are there any local attractions that would make a fun filled day?

I%26#39;m sorry for the basic questions, but I%26#39;m just getting familiar with this area as I%26#39;m just now starting my research.

Thanks for any and all of the help you can spare.

Can you help me with info re: Newport?

Well, the Spring Street Inn has free parking, so that%26#39;s a plus. Can%26#39;t really give areview, as I%26#39;ve never staayed there and don;t know anyone who has, but it%26#39;s in a good location to walk into town.

Do a search in the Newport forum and you%26#39;ll see lots of suggestions for things to do, restaurants, etc.

but since you%26#39;ll have your car, you%26#39;ll want ot check out Ocean Drive:

and the Cliff Walk

Plenty of Dining options....check out

for an overview...they have a lot of links to restaurants and stuff.

Can you help me with info re: Newport?


I haven%26#39;t stayed at Spring Street Inn either, however, with 79 reviews and all 5 stars, it must be doing something right! The location is perfect! I don%26#39;t think you%26#39;ll be needing the car for 90% of your trip depending on what you want to see. Thames Street and the Harbor is a block away where you will find many of the shops, cafes, restaurants, pubs, and nightlife. A 10 minute walk will bring you to the cliffwalk or the start of Bellevue Ave for the Mansions. The walk down Memorial Blvd will bring you to Easton%26#39;s Beach or (First Beach). Further away and a very short drive are Second Beach and Gooseberry Beach. I love Gooseberry and it%26#39;s one you should check out if the weather%26#39;s good. Another super short drive will take you to Nickerson State Park which is very nice. The only problem you may run into with the Spring St. Inn is your budget. I%26#39;m guessing it will be around $275 per night. Hopefully I%26#39;m wrong. Good luck planning and I hope you make it to Newport. You and your husband will love it.

Thank you both for your responses.

I was thinking that Spring Street will turn out to be that expensive, but I%26#39;m waiting to hear from them. Attwater Villa is another option so I%26#39;m hoping that will work out for us if Spring Street is in fact too much $$.

Thanks for the websites you provided - good stuff on there and thanks for the directional view of everytying, it%26#39;s all been very helpful!

Will, are you confusing Brenton Point State Park with Nickerson State Park down on the Cape...or is there a Nickerson State Park in RI too...?

LOL, What was I thinking? I guess I had the Cape on my mind. Thanks for that correction Milemarker. Definitely don%26#39;t go to Nickerson Park if your in Newport!

I was going to say, I either missed something here in RI, or you%26#39;ve got a very liberal definition of ';super short drive'; LOL....

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