Thursday, April 26, 2012

First trip to New!!

Hello! I am just starting to plan my first trip to New England. My husband and I will be arriving in Hartford CT in early October and flying home to CA a week later. My daughter plays college soccer and will be playing at U MASS on a Friday evening and then in Kingston RI on Sunday afternoon. We fly in and out on Wednesday 10/8-10/15. I am hoping to find a great trip itinerary to see as much as possible of the area in a week. I am looking for ANY suggestions to help us decide where to go and what to see. Thanks for any and all help!!

First trip to New!!

Newport, RI is beautiful at that time of year. You could see that in between games and then, if you don%26#39;t mind driving too much, you could also head up to Boston for a couple of days. You%26#39;d be backtracking a little bit, but it might be worth it to spend a couple of days in Boston. SO much to do there...Freedom Trail for hsitory buffs, shopping on Newberry Street, the Public Garden.

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