Thursday, April 26, 2012

best hotels in rhode island for a family with a teenager

could anyone recommend a decent place to stay in rhode island with plenty to do preferably near a beach not too expensive.

best hotels in rhode island for a family with a teenager

The Westerly area near Misquamicut State Beach or Narragansett with good teen beaches like Narragansett Town Beach and Scarborough State Beach. Either place has lots to keep the teens happy. If you can tell us when your thinking of coming(exact dates are best, so we can check availability) and budget per night, I%26#39;m sure we%26#39;ll be happy to make some recommendations. I will!

best hotels in rhode island for a family with a teenager

Silly me, I forgot Newport as well. Newport is great for the whole family. Great shops, restaurants, things to do and see, nice beaches, etc. It will cost more to stay there, but it%26#39;s a great time!

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