Any suggestions for a wedding rehearsal dinner in Newport? Casual, unique, fun, varied menu, 25-30 people. I don%26#39;t want to upstage the casual reception at the Newport Blues Club. Date set is in late October.
wedding rehearsal dinner
In late October, after Columbus Day, you can have your pick of venues for a rehersal dinner--ranging from larger restaurants that will easily accomodate 25-30 for a private dinner, to some of the banquet hall type facilities. Even smaller restaurants will often close to the public for the evening for a party that quarantees them a large group at that time of year.
Think of such locations as The Cheeky Monkey, the Mooring, the Red Parrot, and even 22 Bowen%26#39;s upstairs. They can all fix you up with interesting menu choices and a casual atmosphere. All are right downtown, within walking distance of the Blues Club.
A clambake is often fun for a rehersal dinner. Contact T.J. McGrath Clambakes and ask them where they can do a clambake for you at that time of year? If not a clambake, you can contact some of the other caterers in town (Blackstone, Plantations) to ask them for locations and menu ideas for a dinner. Caterers are usually more expensive than a restaurant due to the logistics involved, however.
Best choice--find a restaurant you or the bride likes, and negotiate a deal with them for the dinner. It%26#39;s a buyer%26#39;s market after Columbus Day.
Good luck.
wedding rehearsal dinner
I was wondering if you have any idea on who good or actually the best cateres in New port would be? Would you choose between Russel Moorings or Blackstone? Any opinion would help. Many thanks
To answer both questions....
For the rehearsal dinner, look into the 5th Element,
It is definitely ';Casual, unique, fun'; for a ';varied menu'; give them a call or an e-mail...Chris, the head Chef, will work with you to plan something great...
It%26#39;s a very popular place for local 20,30,40,50 somethings....
They%26#39;ll most likely be able to give you most, if not the entire upstairs.
A couple of other places: Perro Salado (Mexican) Brick Alley (American), Sardela%26#39;s (Itlaian) (site is under construction but there%26#39;s a picture to give you an idea)
Also check out for more info and links to some more restaurants.
As far as caterers go:
We used Russell Morin for my wedding and I%26#39;m still getting compliments today....(3 years later...) There was a woman, Kathleen, who had an office in Newport, and dealt with mostl of the Newport events...she used to own Kathleen%26#39;s Catereing in Newport before she sold it to RM but stayed on as a coordinator....I hope she%26#39;s still there, she was great!
We also use them alot at work for corporate events and have never been disappointed.
That%26#39;s not to say the Blackstone is bad or good, just never had much exposure to them.
The original post here was in June of %26#39;05, and the follow-up is current; interesting time delay?
Anyhow, Blackstone Caterers is usually considered to be the best off premises caterer in RI. They do everything from small dinners and weddings to major events of up to 2000 or more attendees. Their kitchen is in Middletown so their food is very fresh, and their service is generally considered to be the best, as is their food.
Russell Morin is located in Attleboro, MA, about an hour%26#39;s drive away, where their kitchen is located. Thus, their food isn%26#39;t always the warmest/freshest by the time it gets to Newport. Their service staff is generally not as well trained and sophisticated as Blackstone%26#39;s. They tend to compete by lower prices, but like most things, you get what you pay for.
Morin isn%26#39;t bad, don%26#39;t get me wrong, but if you want the best you go to Blackstone (and they can be competitive in pricing as well). I know some may disagree, but my husband and I have attended many functions in recent years catered by both firms and the differences are apparent. I%26#39;ve also used both for corporate events and found Blackstone much easier to work with.
i thank you so much for the helpful info and also ask whether you can recommend a good photographer for a rehearsal dinner. Thank you
For a rehersal dinner photographer, contact Kate Whitney Lucey at 401/847-6403.
She%26#39;s a nice person, and an accomplished professional.