Monday, April 16, 2012

Grocery Stores in Narragansett

We were thinking of picnicking one day at the beach. What is the best place to buy picnic foods and supplies near Narrgansett?

Grocery Stores in Narragansett

There%26#39;s a Super Stop %26amp; Shop on Route 108 (Point Judith Rd.) in Narragansett.

Grocery Stores in Narragansett

There is also a Belmnot food Store near the Pier area.

If you just want to pick up sandwiches, there is a store called Island Deli, in the strip mall before the cumberland farms on Rt. 108 (Pt. Judith Rd)

belmont in wakefield has loads of prepared foods.its like a whole foods

Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated!

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