I was thinking of a visit to Pte Judith and Galilee. Can anyone give me directions to Moonstone Beach from Pte Judith? Lots of memories from there as a kid.
Moonstone BeachMoonstone Beach no longer exists. Most (if not all of it) has been off limits due to the endangered Piping Plover%26#39;s that nest there. It is now illegal to be nude on any beach in R.I.
Since you%26#39;ll be in/around Point Judith/Galilee, grab some clam cakes and chowder at Iggy%26#39;s or Aunt Carrie%26#39;s and drive down Ocean Street to Camp Cronin (not Breakwater Village). It%26#39;s on the right hand side before the Coast Guard Station. A dirt road will take you to the parking lot. The views of Block Island, the jetties and the lighthouse are so nice. There%26#39;s a beach there (rocky but still nice) if you want to go swimming and good fishing off the jetties. There%26#39;s also a nice granite memorial there of fisherman killed at sea. Have fun.
Moonstone BeachI could have sworn the beach we used to go to every New Years Day was Moonstone. We stopped going only last year as on 1/1/07 our car was broken into while we walked on the beach. Several other cars were hit too and we were lucky enough to escape having it ransacked like the others were. Many parts of the beach were closed off due to the Plovers but I thought it was called Moonstone Beach. Maybe its now completely closed to visitors?
Hey Karrie,
Let me correct myself.
While there is limited access to Moonstone, it is by and large, off limits. The parking lot is overgrown, the Piping Plovers are still there, and it%26#39;s not really a destination no longer. When I think of Moonstone%26#39;s history, I remember it as the nude beach. I was assuming the poster remembers it the same way? Sorry I wasn%26#39;t completely accurate by saying it was closed and sorry you had a bad experience there.
Thanks for the advice. We did get to Moonstone. The lifeguards at Galilee had no clue but an older gentleman overheard my question and gave us great directions. Most of the beach is fenced off for the wildlife, and the folks bathing there seemed to be of the alternative beach style. Maybe they were hoping for a return to the nuder days.
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