Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ladies getaway for sat night on Sep27th-need input please

My girlfriends and I are coming to Newport for just the Sat night on sept 27th. We will come into Newport around 10:am on Sat and leave around 3:00 pm on Sunday.We really are not familiar with the area and are on a budget. Right now we have 5 ladies(ages 40%26#39;s and 50%26#39;s)I am having a problem finding a place for the 1 weekend night.Plus I just noticed that they are having a Wine and food festival. Can anyone recommend a place that is centrally located? Also, where could we go out to eat for dinner for a reasonable price that would be casual and fun? We also would like to find a band or some music and have a few drinks on Sat night. Can anyone offer any suggestions for our time away from husbands and kids:)

Ladies getaway for sat night on Sep27th-need input please

I don%26#39;t know what your budget is, but I would recommend staying at The Admiral Fitzroy Inn. It%26#39;s reasonably priced for Newport,and very centrally located. Free off street parking too, and very friendly staff. Check out all the positive reviews on this site.

If you want to take a chance, some people have gotten lucky with, and have been able to get rooms at The Marriott for about $99.00 a night. Might be worth a try as well, especially if you prefer a larger chain hotel to a smaller inn. Again, I don%26#39;t know your taste.

The Red Parrot is a nice casual place to dine, but it can get pretty loud at times. Really good food though. Another casual place to try might be Brick Alley Pub. I haven%26#39;t tried it yet, but have heard great things about it. My wife and I will be going there when we%26#39;re in Newport next month.

On Saturday night you may want to check out Pier 49 at The Newport Harbor Hotel. Weather permitting they have live music, and serve dinner and drinks outside right by the harbor. You can%26#39;t beat the atmosphere of being so close to the water and docks, and my wife and I prefer that to being couped up inside a bar, especially when the weather is nice. Anyway, I%26#39;m sure others here can recommend other places as well. Either way I%26#39;m sure you%26#39;ll have a great time there. Have fun!!

Ladies getaway for sat night on Sep27th-need input please

Thanks for all the info,hyborian1. Actually I found availability at the Wellington resort.I know that the Wellington has had some so so reviews but we got the large 2 bd suite with harbor views since we now have 6 ladies going. Pier 49 sound awesome!! I appreciate you taking the time to respond

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