Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hotwire 3 star downtown hotel?

Do any of you Providence experts know what could be the $89/night hotel Hotwire is offering for next weekend in downtown Providence?

I swear, I did a search before posting, but the 4 star ones are the only ones discussed previously.

Hotwire 3 star downtown hotel?

I don%26#39;t see a 3* offered for next weekend. What were your specific dates? In any case, the 3* for Providence are Hilton, Mariott, and Raadisson. What are the amenities? If it includes a pool you can rule out the Radisson (The least desierable of the 3 because of the location and construction) if it does not include the pool icon, it%26#39;ll most likely be the Radisson.

Also, if you click on the continue button for the offer, it will sometimes give you the star rating that Trip Advisor reviewers have given can cross reference the number of reviews and level, as well as when the last review was (although that might be off by a few months) with TA reviews and get a better guess that way.

Also for Hotwire info:

Hotwire 3 star downtown hotel?

thanks Milemarker. Maybe its gone. As soon as I read the reviews of the Radisson here, I sort of ruled this out because I%26#39;m guessing its there. Will check again to see if they mention pool.

I wont have a car so it sounds like the Radisson location is very undesireable aside from anything else.

Will check hotwire again - am hoping the 4star that was $119 for this weekend will come down for next weekend.

nope - its still there.. 9/12-14

Ah i see it now, I was looking at , I get confused as to what some people call ';this'; weekend and ';next'; weekend. I was looking a t 9/5 - 9/7

Yeah, I%26#39;d say that%26#39;s definitely the Radisson. Not a good location without a car.

Hopefully the 4* (Most likely the Westin) will drop.

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