Next year our family would like to find a waterfront cottage with at least 3 bedrooms on the coast of Rhode Island for our one or two week vacation.
Does anyone have a suggestion as to which community we could find one? Thank you!!!
waterfront cottages
YOu could try finding places in and around: Narragansett, Watch Hill/Westerly, Wickford, Newport, Charleston, Point Judith, and Block Island itself for starts. I%26#39;m sure others will chime in with other locations. Grab a map and look at the towns near Point Judith or Newport maybe and go from there by googling cottages and the town name. We never stay there because we live just up the road from RI but drive around frequently. Its a gorgeous, gorgeous state IMHO with tons of beaches.
waterfront cottages
Misquamicut has a nice selection of waterfront cottages that might be available for renting. Weekapaug %26amp; Watch Hill, also waterfront communities in the south west of the state (Westerly) tend to have monthly rentals more often than weekly. Quonochontaug %26amp; Charleston also have nice houses right on the water. Hope this helps.
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