Hi Everyone:
I was hoping I could get some feedback on a couple of dilemmas I am having. If you had the choice of visiting Mystic or Newport RI which would you choose and why? I have a 1/2 day to spend in either one. The next day we would either go to Nantucket or drive up to Chatham and then Ptown. We would probably stay around Ptown if we did the latter choice or in Hyannis if we opted to go to Nantucket. The following day we would drive up to Boston and hit Plimouth Plantation and the Mayflower along the way. Thank you so much for any feedback...everyone is always so helpful.
Mystic, Ct or Newport, RI /////Nantucket or Chatham %26amp; Ptown
Well, it depends on how you like to spend your time. Mystic offers an aquarium, Mystic Seaport/Old Mystic Village, and shopping, while Newport offers mansion tours, cliffwalk, Fort Adams, scenic Ocean Drive, The International Tennis Hall of Fame,and shopping as well.
Mystic is nice, and my wife and I go there about every other year or so, but as far as we%26#39;re concerned, Newport is a much more desirable destination. There%26#39;s just an atmosphere in that town that we%26#39;ve really fallen in love with, and that%26#39;s why we keep coming back. Again, it%26#39;s really about your personal tastes and interests. Either way, you%26#39;ll have a good time I%26#39;m sure.
Mystic, Ct or Newport, RI /////Nantucket or Chatham %26amp; Ptown
Mystic has its interests, but Newport has much more to see, even if only for half day. On the Cape, I say Chatham (if you can find parking) and PTown- more to see than a two hour boat excursion to Nantucket- the town itself is very beautiful, but Chatham and PTown are too.
Defintely, Newport. It has more charm and character than Mystic and the scenery is more beautiful.
I%26#39;d agree with the other poster who said not to spend the time going to Nantucket. Although the island is nice, given your limited time, you probably don%26#39;t want to spend 4 hrs of it getting there and back.
Take a ride to Chatham, or just go to Ptown. The beaches are beautiful, the shopping terrific and it has many great restaurants.
I just returned from 6 days in the Hyannis/Ptown areas. Loved Hyannis - very friendly, helpful people. Great experience. We went to Martha%26#39;s Vineyard and thoroughly enjoyed that, too. Drove 6A, scenic route, up to Ptown one day. Fun shops, but not a place I%26#39;d ever stay. Drive was lovely and enjoyed all of the little towns. If you choose to go there, be sure to watch the sunset on the Cape Cod National Seashore one evening - get there early, as there were lots of people and cars when we were there - the sun sets VERY quickly. We definitely want to go back to Hyannis and on to Nantucket next year. Plimouth Plantation and the Mayflower II were a real highlight for me. BYW, we spent one night at the Hyannis Inn Motel - they gave us buy one/get one free tickets for the ferry to Martha%26#39;s Vineyard (probably good for Nantucket, too) AND let us park in their lot all day the night after our stay so that we didn%26#39;t have to pay $15 to park at the dock for the ferry! It was only a 7 min. walk to the dock, too!
Thanks everyone for the answers. Chrissy63376, since you just got back.....If you had to choose between going up to P-town or going over to Martha%26#39;s Vineyard which would you choose and why? How was the weather over at Martha%26#39;s Vineyard this time of year also? Ferry ride rough? thx.
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