Friday, April 13, 2012

Salve Regina

Does anyone know anything about this college? We%26#39;re from NJ and they are actively recruiting my son to go there, but no one down here knows much about it. Thanks

Salve Regina

It%26#39;s a Private, Catholic Liberal Arts school on a beautiful setting. Newport is a nice town, but I wouldn%26#39;t really call it a ';college town'; per se.

It used to be a big school for Nursing, back in the day when it was an all-girl school (That changed in 1973) not sure what the more popular majors are these days.

Newport is a great little getaway if you wanted to come up and see it and do the tour/talk to students, etc...

Providence is about 45 minutes away, Boston about 1 1/2 hours.

Salve Regina

Salve- always pop with NJ/NYers. My %26#39;impression%26#39; over the years is that they have improved their reputation, and expanded their programs in the areas of historical architecture, sailing, international relations (that I know of)- including collaboration with the Navy here. Nice facilities, library, definitely nice place to be for college.

It%26#39;s a beautiful campus in a beautiful town. Many of the university%26#39;s buildings are former grand mansions, and newer buildings, such as their library and Recreation Center, try to emulate that architecture.

Academically, the school has come a long way in the past ten/fifteen years. It offers a variety of majors and some honors programs for the academically inclined. Depends on whether your son%26#39;s interests match their offerings.

Socially, it is a very good environment. Students live on campus for at least the first two years, there is a lot of campus activity, as well as community volunteerism, and a good array of social and recreational activities in the larger community.

If your son is into sports, they have a variety of intercollegiate teams at the Division III level.

Finally, it is a safe campus, the school takes good care of its students. In the same vein, they don%26#39;t tolerate students who drink excessively or act out in the local community. The university is a good citizen in the community.

There are a number of students from the metropolitan NYC/NJ area. Depending on what your son is looking for, it is a place you should at least look at.

Why am I so enthused? Our newphew graduated from there a couple of years ago, and my sister and her husband cannot say enough good about the school!

I%26#39;m a former SRC (back in the day when it was a college, not univ.) student. I agree with all the positive things posted. The school continues to grow, and about 10 years ago Finance was considered a good major on campus, but I%26#39;m not sure if that info is still current. The location is one of the most beautiful in the country, right in the middle of the mansions and on the cliff walk. The social life used to die in the winter, but the town hops year round now. They did, and still do, provide a small college ';family feel';. 2 of my roomies were NJ girls, and they never had a problem finding lifts home...You should take trip north to visit since in addition to a campus tour, you can enjoy a great city! Good luck with your decision...

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