Monday, April 16, 2012

Where to stay-one night near Charlestown

My husband and I are headed up to MA for the weekend and would like to stop in RI for the night and hit up the Nordic Lodge in Charlestown.

Can anyone recommend a place to stay for one night. Maybe a nice BB%26amp;B or hotel on the water near Nordic Lodge?

I have heard Westerly and Narragansett are nice. Any thoughts on that or suggestions where to stay would be really appreciated!

We are looking for something that is nice and close by for one night.

Thank you!

Where to stay-one night near Charlestown

We%26#39;ve had a summer home in C%26#39;town for many years. Lots of what%26#39;s in the area are mom and pop type motels, OK if that%26#39;s what you want, but not especially charming. And surprisingly, there%26#39;s not a whole lot available right on the water. But try Shelter Harbor Inn, a lovely spot near Nordic Lodge and local beaches, and with a very good restaurant which serves a nice breakfast.

Where to stay-one night near Charlestown

Shelter Harbor Inn is nice as recommended above snd there is a place called the Willows on Rt. 1, not sure how long into the season they are open and I have never stayed there.

Thank you!! I think we are going to try the Breezeway Resort. Anyone been there?

Never stayed there, but it%26#39;s one of many motel-type places in the Misquamicut Beach area. I am not a huge fan of Misquamicut and avoid that area and the crowds that mob the state beach day and night in summertime. However, in fall it will be much quieter.

Not sure if you have already gone, but Breezeway is a nicer motel in Misquamicut, really clean and well kept up. A definitely step above a lot of the local accomodation there.

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